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Yaoyorozu's p.o.v.

We went to Recovery Girl but I could tell something was off with Todoroki. When he saw the blood I told him not to worry too much. If he did then he was going to give (Y/N) an advantage at manipulating him more. Once we got there we saw Recovery Girl cleaning up.

"What brings you two here?" She asked us.

"I fell while skating and I hurt my ankle." I told her.

"Bring her here." She told Todoroki while pointing to a check up bed. He helped me get on it and went to the side to not get in her way. She started examining my ankle.

"It isn't broken, it just got hurt. I'll get you some ice. You should avoid practicing today." She said making her was out of the room. She left and it was only Todoroki and me.

"I'm glad it wasn't a big injury." He said

"Me too."

"Do you really think (Y/N) is manipulative? Do you really think she did this?" He asked. I was getting annoyed. Why won't he just believe me? He should just forget about her already.

"Yes, I know its hard to handle it since you skate with her but be careful around her. She is lying and will go to any measures to get what she wants. Don't you think its weird how none of us know about her family."

"I guess your right."

The door opened and Recovery Girl came in with an ice bag.

"Here you go. Make sure to rest and it will get better. You're lucky you didn't get hurt like (Y/N). Poor girl had to go to a clinic. Skating is a very dangerous sport. Especially figure skating. You don't have any protective gear. Also the blades are very sharp." She said handing me the bag.

"She went to a clinic?" Todoroki asked her.

"She did, anyhow I can't tell you more. Its student and medical privacy. You two should go now." She said basically shoving us out the door.

We walked back to the practice gym. I could walk without help now. I can tell Todoroki doesn't fully believe me so I have to go with plan b.

~tiny time skip~

Everyone had dinner and we were now chilling. Some were in the common area while others were in their rooms. I was also in my room. I got my phone and dialed the number that was going to help me.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello is this Endeavor?"

"Yes, who the hell are you?"

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, daughter of THE Yaoyorozu's. I was calling regarding your son, Shoto Todoroki."

"What about my son?"

"It seems he has a problem."

"Get to the point or else I'm hanging up and call him myself."

"Rather impatient aren't we?"

"I'm hanging up."

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you. You could ask him yourself but I doubt he would tell you anything."

"Spit it out. I'm getting annoyed and I don't mind hanging up."

"Alright I guess I'll tell you. There is this girl that he has been hanging around with but I can tell she is manipulating him. She already has him thinking about her throughout the day even while he is skating. I have warned him about her but I am afraid he won't listen. He wants to believe me but he doesn't. If this keeps going she will win and I'm afraid of what will happen with Todoroki's future. He has talent but she won't let him shine."

"What's her name?"

I smiled, "Its (Y/N) (L/N). But I'm afraid that's all the information I know about her. None of us here know about her family or past. We don't even know where she is from."

"She isn't from Japan?"

"She is, what I mean is we don't know what city she came from. She isn't from around."

"I see. I'll contact my son to talk to him. Thank you for telling me."

"No, thank you for believing me. I can now rest easy knowing she won't manipulate Todoroki any longer. Also could you not tell Todoroki I told you."

"Alright I won't say a thing."

"Thank you again. Have a good night sir."

He hung up and I laid down on my bed. I smiled knowing my plan was almost done. Everything is perfect, soon he'll be MINE. I checked the time and saw it was only 9 pm. I sighed and got on my phone till it was time.

I walked down the dorms hallways. It was quiet and dark. I walked as quietly as I could since everyone was sleeping. It was midnight and the next part of my plan was going into action. I arrived at a door. The name (Y/N) (L/N) was carved onto a nameplate on the side of the door. I knocked, quietly so no one else could hear but loud enough for (Y/N) to hear. I got inside and closed the door after me. I leaned on the door and just smiled at (Y/N). She was confused.

"You know what (Y/N), I've always hated you. Ever since I saw you I didn't like you, and when you started talking with Todoroki I hated you even more. All I did was take matters into my own hands." I said with a smile.

"You could of just told me you hated me. You didn't have to put me in a wheelchair to prove that. Also it was you, wasn't it." 

I laughed, "Of course it was me. At first I just wanted to hurt you, but then I thought 'whats the fun in that?' So I messed my skates and made sure I got on the ice before you. That way I was the victim and you looked suspicious. No one would ever suspect me if I was injured first, plus I am loved by everyone and I was the Vice President in class."

"So all of this was just because you hated me, kinda pathetic don't you think?"

"Shut the fuck up. I did this because I didn't like the way Todoroki looked at you and talked about you. Everyone in class likes you too. There are several boys who like you, some have even planed their confession. But what about me? I hate you for so many reasons. I'll ruin your skating career, it will end here." I told her getting pissed

She started laughing, "Listen bitch, my skating career ended years ago. I would tell you but you aren't worthy of hearing my story. If you wanna know look up my name under the Japanese Skating website. So if that's all the shit you wanted to say you can leave."

"This isn't over bitch. You deserve this and I'll make sure EVERYONE hates you, especially Todoroki." I said and then left her room. I walked back to my room quietly. What she told me got me thinking. I got my phone and went to the Japanese ice skaters website. 'What the hell am I doing? There's no way she is in this website. Only skaters who have skated for Japan are on here.'

I went to the search bar and entered her name. What I saw was surprising. Now I'm hoping Endeavor won't look her up.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now