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Bakugou's p.o.v.

While Mina was talking about making a crew I was looking at my phone. I was just scrolling through Instagram. Then I heard them talking about ice skating and how Todoroki wasn't going to be able to teach everyone.

"Well there is only one other person who is in the same level of skating as Todoroki." I heard Deku say. Everyone turned to look at the 'Bakusquad'. I knew who Deku was talking about.

"(Y/N)" I said. At this point I put my phone down.

"Yea but how are we going to find her? I don't know if you guys have noticed but she has been missing for a year now. None of us know where she is at or how she is doing." Dunce face said.

"Then we'll have to look for her. We can't really do this crew without her. I feel like an ice skating show could bring us good fame and success." Pinky said.

"Ok, but where do we start looking?" Deku asked.

"That would be the biggest problem. She could be anywhere. She left on a plane out of the country." Blue hair glasses guy said.

"Or she just left to another place in the country. There is always that possibility as well." Round face said.

"Well then good luck finding her." I said getting up.

"Where you going man?" Shitty hair asked me.

"I'm going to bed."

"But its only 8, oh. Never mind." Flat face said. I started walking to my room. Once I arrived I laid down on my bed. The nerds got me thinking now. Where could (Y/N) be? If I had to guess I would go to her home town first. If someone has seen or heard about her it could be that glasses dude from the picture frame. Wait, I fucking forgot to give her the frame back. Damn it, now I have a random picture of (Y/N) and a guy.

~tiny time skip to the next morning~

I walked down to the dinning tables since it was time for breakfast. I don't remember who's turn it is to cook but it ain't mine and that's all I need to know. I sat down with the other idiot and waited for breakfast to be done. I got my phone and started scrolling through Instagram again. Then I saw it. My eyes widen a bit but I quickly composed myself so hopefully no one saw me. After a year she finally posted something. Sure it was a stupid food picture but at least this proves she is alive. (Y/N) posted this in her private account so maybe the other idiots saw. I went to the group chat and texted to them.

AngryBlond: The fuck? I thought I changed my name.
Anyway have you idiots seen the post (Y/N) posted?

DanceQueen: yup! I wanna tell everyone!


ManlyMan: Do you still not trust them?

AngryBlond: Not even a little

PickachuNo2: Ok man, our lips are sealed.

Soy*Sero*Sauce: I saw and that food looks yummy!

DanceQueen: It did!!! Btw what are you planning on doing Bakugou? We called her like normal but she still won't answer.

AngryBlond: I'm going to go look for her. She said her location on the post.

PickachuNo2: She did????

ManlyMan: Yea. Uh, something about hot springs and Katsuki.

Soy*Sero*Sauce: wait, Bakugou, you own a hot spring??????


PickachuNo2: oh, I thought you did since it had Katsuki in the name.

AngryBlond: You are all fucking idiots. Its a hot spring owned by her friend's family. Its named after them, Katsuki. Its located in her home town. So I'm going to go talk to her before the other assholes find out where she is and talk to her. Don't tell anyone where I'm going understood.

ManlyMan: Yes sir

PickachuNo2: You got yourself a deal Kachan

Soy*Sero*Sauce: RIP Kaminari, understood sir.

DanceQueen: you go angry blond 👍

I put my phone up and made my way out.

"Where are you going Kachan. Breakfast hasn't been served yet." Deku asked me making me stop walking.

"I'm gonna go visit the old hag and the old man. They texted me saying how I need to visit or some shit. See you assholes later." I said and continued walking out the door. I got outside and went to my car. I then started my three hour drive.

After three long hours and with the help of the fucking GPS, I made it to Yu-Topia Katsuki Hot Springs. I parked my car and got out. I walked to the main entrance and got inside.

"Welcome to Yu-Topia Katsuki Hot Springs. How may I help you?" An old lady asked me when I entered.

"Do you by any chance know (Y/N) (L/N)?" I asked her.

"Are you a friend of hers?"

"Yea, I'm a friend from UA."

"Well I'm glad she made friends there. I was a bit worried about her but now I see that I shouldn't be."

"So where is she?"

"She is at the ice rink, Ice Castle. She's there with Yuri, Victor, and Yurio."

"Ok, thank you. Oh and if by any chance if a guy with red and white hair comes could you please tell him to fuck off."

"Uh sure, I guess."

I left the building and made my way to the ice rink. I got there after a few minutes and went inside.

"How may I help you?" A woman with brown hair asked me.

"Is (Y/N) here?"

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you any information about customers." She said

"I'm her friend."

"Did she tell you to come?"  

"Just tell me where she is dammit!" I yelled getting annoyed.

"I'm sorry but I can't. If you don't tell me how you know her I won't tell you a think about her." She kept saying.

"Hey Suki. What brings you here?" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw (Y/N).

"You know him?" The woman asked her. She nodded and smiled

"Dumb ass, why didn't you tell me you were back in Japan? And stop calling me that." I said looking at her. She smiled in return

"Well you didn't ask me. And I like calling you Suki is there something wrong with it? Midoriya calls you Kachan and you don't have a problem with it." She said faking a pout.

"Don't fucking bring that nerd up. So what if I didn't ask you, your ass should of told me either way." I said getting angry at the mention of Deku.

"How did you know where I was anyways?" She asked me.

"You're a dumb ass. I saw your Instagram. You posted a fucking food pic." I told her. I smiled at her and hugged her. "I missed you dumb ass." She was about to say something when I stopped her and said, "Don't fucking ruin the moment and make me take back what I said."

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now