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3rd person p.o.v.

Mina and Midoriya saw the ambulance along with the flashing red lights. They were curious as to why it was there but decided to let it be. They went their separate ways into the restrooms. They called out for their friend's names but none responded. They both left the restrooms and when they did they saw a paramedic coming inside. Mina got more curious and decided to walk a bit closer to the windows to see what was going on. That's when she saw it. Her eyes widen and tears started building up in her eyes. She ran outside leaving a confused Midoriya. He looked at what she had seen and ran as well. Mina had seen a walking stick she recognized way to well. Midoriya saw it but what made him run was the blood he saw on the pavement.

Mina ran out and saw something she would never forget. Her friend sitting in the middle of the road. Her legs scraped to the point her blood was on the floor. Blood on her shirt unknown to Mina who it belonged to. Her face also had a scrap yet it seemed as she paid no mind to it. Lastly the two colored hair boy that was laying in her lap unconscious. Who's head was bleeding and also had his clothes soiled with blood. Legs and arms scraped or simply bruised. Paramedics were getting their equipment out and ready to attended to the boy as he seemed to be in the worst shape.

Midoriya gasped loudly as he saw the scene. Mina quickly ran back inside to tell her friends. Midoriya was in shock but soon got out of the trance and ran as well.

Mina ran as fast as she could and even triped on the steps hurting her knee.

"What the hell is up with you?" Bakugou asked her. She panted and did the best she could to catch her breath so she could tell them. Yuri and Victor looked at her in confusion. Yurio had just arrived and looked just as confused. He also had a black haired boy with him.

"She *pant* she *pant* g-*pant*" Mina tried her best to speak

"SPIT IT OUT!" Bakugou yelled getting irritated. Mina breathed some more and was finally able to speak clearly.

"ITS (Y/N)! SHE GOT HIT BY A CAR!" Mina yelled. Everyone's eyes widen in shock. It didn't take long for them to start running outside, Bakugo in the lead. They meet up with the others from UA and both had an unspoken agreement to get to the scene as quickly as possible.

Once they got their they were shocked even more. Todoroki was now in a bed being carried into the ambulance. The paramedics were helping (Y/N) onto a bed as well.

"The hell happen here?" Bakugou asked the man who was outside.

"It was my fault. I was sleepy since Its been a while since I last slept well and well, my eyes wouldn't stay open. Next thing I knew I saw them on the road. I tried to hit my brakes but my reaction was too slow and ended up hitting the boy. He pushed the girl out of the way but he didn't get out." The man said.

A paramedic went up to the group.

"Are any of you family?" He asked.

"I am." Yuri said suddenly.

"Of which one?"

"The girl."

"Ok. Does anyone know the boy?"

"We all do."

"Alright. I want to confirm names and dates of birth. First the girl. Name (Y/N) (L/N) date of birth (d/o/b)."

"That's correct." Yuri said.

"Ok. Now the boy. Name Shoto Todoroki date of bith January 11."

"I believe that is correct." Iida said.

"Alright. We're taking them to the hospital two streets from here." The paramedic said. He left and then they all saw (Y/N) being carried into an ambulance.

"Are you alright?" Yuri asked her as he ran towards her. She looked sad and emotionless, just like when her mother died. Yuri noticed this and frowned.

"Its all my fault." Was the only thing she said. A paramedic pushed Yuri out of the way before he could talk. They took (Y/N) into an ambulance and drove off.

Bakugo walked over to where the walking stick was and picked it up. It only had scratches so it wasn't as damaged as he thought it was. Everyone saw the stick and frowned. Bakugo didn't say a word and left towards his car.

"I'll go with you." Yuri said determined.

"No." Bakugo said without turning around to look at them. "I'll go first you guys stay here till the end then we'll meet up there. I'll keep you updated." He finished calmly.

Everyone was shocked to hear Bakugou being calm and not yelling for once. Perhaps he really did care for (Y/N) like an older brother. Midoriya smiled at him.

"Well you heard him. Let's go back. We should also inform Mr. Aizawa and the others about this." Midoriya said to everyone.

They all agreed and headed back inside apart from Yuri, Victor, Yurio, Otabek, and the Bakusquad.

"You better keep me posted from the moment you arrive till I get there. I expect an update every five to ten minutes." Yuri said.

"And kick any body's ass if you need to." Yurio said.

"Yurio! Don't use that language." Victor scolded the blond russian. Yurio clicked his tounge and headed inside with Otabek.

"Don't worry I'll keep you informed." Bakugo said. He continued his journey to his car while Yuri and Victor along with the Bakusquad walked back inside.

Everyone was quiet and in a gloomy mood now. Even other skaters could tell. Due to the incident UA Dance Academy resigned from the competition. Yuri was starting to get impatient. He just wanted the results out and to get the hell out of there.

Minako heard the news and wanted to leave as soon as she heard. However, Yuri convinced her that Bakugou had everything under control and that they'll all go together after the scores were given. She was hesitant but eventually agreed. Mari called her parents and told them what was going on.

Soon enough the skaters were released and they all headed out to see their friend at the hospital worried and prepared for bad news.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now