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3rd person p.o.v.

Everyone had arrived and parked at the cemetery. They all got out of their cars, flowers in hand. They walked to a grave stone which had a name everyone knew carved on it along with other words.

In Loving memory of
(M/N) (L/N)
A great mother, wife, friend, and a great skating coach. Rest in peace.

Upon seeing the grave (Y/N) felt tears in her eyes. It had been 11 years since she lost everything. The (h/c) hair girl put the flowers in her hand on the grave, with the help of Yuri. Yuri knew the girl was sad and he didn't blame nor shame her for crying. He hugged her and she let the tears flow. Victor didn't mind seeing his fiance hug the girl. He knew they were just friends and (Y/N) needed a shoulder to cry and lean on. That shoulder was Yuri. He had been with her for the longest time. Bakugou didn't say anything either when he saw his friend crying and hugging Yuri. He knew that Yuri was there when she needed a friend the most. Whether he liked it or not, Yuri was her first friend and she needed him now. Everyone else placed their flowers on the grave as well. Along with the placement of flowers they payed their respects.

'We miss you (M/N), but (Y/N) misses you most. We've done all we can to help her in her times of need. But nothing compares to a mother's love. My husband and I will continue providing (Y/N) a home so don't worry about that. You've raised a nice, strong, and bright young lady. I'm sorry we can't come see you often, but we'll do our best to come see you.' Hiroko Katsuki said in her head as she payed her respects to the deceased woman.

'Everyone misses you, I also miss you. Especially the times you would come with (F/N) and (Y/N) to the hot springs. It was always lively. You had such a beautiful family. My wife and I will do our best to help (Y/N) keep her smile. We'll provide her with the things she needs. A home, food, and love. And I believe you will help her too. You'll look over her wherever she is. Oh how I wish things in your family never changed.' Toshiya said in his mind as well.

'Even if you aren't here to help (Y/N) physically, you're here spiritually. I'll help you by helping (Y/N). Whether it be direct help or just support. However she misses you deeply, and so do all of us. She's a great person, just like you raised her. She also does amazing skating. We truly miss you, (M/N).'


'You might forgot me or maybe not. Anyway, its me Yuri. I've been here for (Y/N) so don't worry to much about her. Although she does need you, especially when I'm not around. I know I said I'm here for her, but she decided to go to UA and I didn't go there. She made her dream true and I kind of pressured her to. You see after you left, she didn't want to go to UA or even continue skating. After a while I was able to convince her. So your teaching weren't in vain. But now I feel like I let both you and her down. She went through so much and I wasn't there. I'm sorry. Oh and you remember when you told me that my dream would come true one day. Well it did. You never gave up on me when I wanted to. Thanks to you I can proudly say my dream came true. I skated on the same ice as Victor and even skated along side him. And I might of gotten engaged to him as well. Thank you'


'Hey, I'm Yuuko. (Y/N)'s friend. Thank you for your teachings and friendly gestures. You were a great teacher. I'm sorry about continually distracting (Y/N) when you were trying to train her when we were kids. I never got a chance to apologize so now is the time. Better late than never, right? Oh and remember Takeshi, one of (Y/N)'s friend? Well I'm married to him now, although I told you before. Anyhow, my three trouble makers are fine and even helped with pairing up Yuri and Victor. Such a cute couple, I wish you could see them in person.'


'I feel like I don't have many things to say. Probably everyone else has said the things I'm about to say, but I'll say them anyways. We miss you, you were such an awesome person. Letting (Y/N) play when she should of been practicing. She's a great skater so I guess it didn't really affect her and you knew so you let her play. Oh and I'm sorry for being mean to her that one time, and that other time. But I changed, I've been helping her now. When you first left I helped her. She was so sad back then, but she got better. However when she came back from the US she seemed different. I'm sorry I couldn't look after her like a proper friend. But I'll help her now along with the others. Thank you and rest easy'


'We haven't meet before. I'm Victor Nikiforov, Yuri's fiance. I'm not as close to (Y/N) as the rest are but from what I can see she is a great person. She is full of energy and happiness, especially when she talks about skating. Its one thing we have in common. A love for ice. Also we both like Yuri, although her like is in a friend way while mine is in a lovers way. Yuri told me that you taught him a few tricks in skating. From what I've heard, you were a great teacher. I wish we could've meet. I guess things happen for a reason.'


'I don't know what to say. I haven't really been to a cemetery before. I don't want to be rude either since you're, well, deceased. (Y/N) told me to me myself but I've been told I'm a shitty person. But (Y/N) says I'm not that bad. The other idiots say that too. Oh, we haven't meet before. I'm Katsuki Bakugou, a friend of (Y/N)'s from UA. She was accepted into UA with amazing scores, especially in skating. She was wrongly accused a year ago but the idiots and I believed her. I'll do whatever I can to make sure she doesn't get hurt again. However I'm not sure if by not letting her see half and half is good or not. I guess whatever she decides I'll go with it. But I will make sure she doesn't get hurt a second time. Not as long as I can help it.'


'I'm sorry I couldn't protect her like you asked me to. She was hurt and I wasn't around. But don't worry, I'll do my best now. So if you can help me I would love to have your help. Its about your husband, (F/N). I've been told where he is and I'm not sure if I should tell (Y/N) or not. I'm sure you know what happened, which is why I don't know if she should know. Yes he is her father but still. Knowing about him might hurt her and that is one thing I have to protect her from. Don't worry though, I hired someone to research about him now that I know where he is. Also the person I hired when you asked me to hide (Y/N)'s information is still working. Although I'm sorry for some of the information you wanted to hide might have been found. I won't let you down though. You gave me a job to do and I plan to keep it.'


'Hey mom, been so long since I last saw you. 11 years right? Time sure does fly by. Oh and don't worry, I'm getting my legs treated. I can't walk properly right now, let along skate. I'm sorry your teachings are now wasted. You should've taught someone else. But I'll keep working hard so I can walk again. Oh and I made new friends at UA. Even with my condition I got to go to my dream school, with the help of our friends here. I'm sorry I couldn't come see you in the past years. During these times we would be busy back at UA, giving me no time to ask for a leave. I could only light a small cake on this day. The day you left this world and your birthday. I'm also sorry for losing your shrine/memorial. I couldn't protect it along with the house and the family. I wish you were still here, I need you. However I have learned that my friends are here for me. They provide support and give me a shoulder to cry and lean on. Suki and the rest of the Bakusquad are the friends I made at UA. They were also the ones who helped me the most when I was accused of hurting my classmate. They stuck with me no matter what the other said. They were true friends. However I'm left confused. You see there is this boy who wants to talk to me but he was rude. I gave him a second chance because I thought he had changed but he ruined it. So now I don't know if I should forgive him or not. I feel like I should go see him but Suki told me that he wasn't a real friend, especially when I needed him the most. He believed the girl who harmed me and accused me of harming her. So I don't know what I should do, and its times like these when I wish you were here. I love you and I miss you so much.'


Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang