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I just want to thank everyone who has commented, liked and added this story to their reading lists. It makes my day every time I see those notifications. It motivates me to write more. Also thank your for the 633 reads this book has. Now on with the story)

3rd person p.o.v.

After Bakugou had spoken to Todoroki he headed back inside. Todoroki was still in shock and confused. He was shocked from hearing about some of (Y/N)'s past. He was confused on what to do now? He messed up, and he messed up bad. He wished he could go back in time to about one year ago. However no matter how much he wished he didn't have that power, nobody had any type of special power. He sighed and sat down once again. He started to think, thinking about the past and what happened a few minutes ago. After a few minutes of him siting there he heard a car pull up and park in front of the building. He opened his eyes and looked to where the noise had come from. He saw a familiar pink head.

"Why so gloomy?" Mina asked him.

"Its nothing." He replied shaking his head.

"Did someone beat you to (Y/N)?" She asked joking.

"No? Hey can I borrow your car and go back to UA?" He asked

"Huh? I guess that's ok, I'll go back with Kirishima then." She answered. Now she definitely knew something had happened. She handed him her keys.

"Be careful on your way back." Mina said

"Thank you, I will will." Todoroki responded and bowed. He got in the car and drove off. Mina was left curious on why he wanted to go back. She was going to find out, she was determined to find out. She walked inside the building and saw her friends.

A few minutes ago (when you went to the restroom)
(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

I refuse to cry in front of him.

I walked in the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I decided to wait for a few more minutes till I calmed down. I was both pissed and sad. I dried the water from my face and just stood there.

'Is he still not over it?'

I stared at my reflection.

'Well, he isn't the only one. Is everyone still mad? No mad isn't the word, disappointed. No that doesn't sound right either. Wait no, I think that's it. Ughhhhhhh!!!!'

I didn't know why, but just staring at my reflection got me even more upset.

'Was it really my fault? Damn it, I don't know anymore.'

I wanted to take my frustration out some how. I was about to punch the mirror so I could take my frustration out when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was from an unknown number, I answered anyways.


"May I speak with (Y/N)?"

"Speaking, who is this?"

Bakugou's p.o.v.

After I spoke with half and half I went back inside. I noticed (Y/N) wasn't back yet. I sat back down, glasses and gray hair were still standing near the rink's wall. After a while the door opened.

"What's up mother fucker?" I heard someone say. I recognized that voice. I turned around and saw the pink headed girl.

"MINA!" The other idiots yelled.

"So what up with Todoroki? He asked for my car so he could leave." She asked confused. The idiots' faces turned from silly and happy to a serious face after she asked.

"The asshole was being an asshole." I said still pissed.

"Whats got you so angry?"

"Half and half."

"What did he do?"

"He was an asshole to (Y/N)."

"Oh so that's why. By the way where is (Y/N)?" She asked looking around. "I got her some stuff since her ankle or leg got broken. Which now that I think about it I left it in my car." She said.

"(Y/N) is still in the restroom." Glasses said.

"Oh and who are you? No wonder Todoroki was kinda pissed the other day, he got competition. First Bakugou and now you." Mina said teasing.

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT! I'm only her friend!" Glasses said while waving his arms in front of him.

"Glasses has a fiance, he is also her childhood friend. And as for me I am only her friend, well more like a brother. So get those ideas out of your head, also the fuck do you mean he has competition?" I said trying my best not to stand up and smack her.

"Oh its nothing, just ignore that part. Anyways I'm Mina nice to meet you, I'm one of (Y/N)'s friend from UA." She said introducing her self.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yuri, this is Victor and this is Yuuko." Glasses said.

"So are you three (Y/N)'s childhood friends?" Pinky asked them.

"No only Yuri and I, oh and also my husband but he isn't here right now." Brown hair said. (Yuuko in case you were wondering)

(Y/N) then came back in, walking stick in hand. She was walking slowly. She saw pinky and smiled.

"Long time no see." (Y/N) said

"Yea. So you broke your ankle or leg?" She asked. (Y/N) looked down.

"So Yuri, are you sure you want to use the program?" She asked glasses, avoiding pinky's question.

"Of course we are. Victor and I looked over it while you were gone and we think its good, but could you explain what its about?"

"Well at first it was the story of how we meet. However, since you and Victor are the ones skating to it I changed the story so it can be how you too meet. I might not remember much but Yuuko and Minako told me a bit of how you two meet and stuff." She explained.

"Wow, you can show a story like that through skating?" Dunce face asked. (Y/N) just nodded with a smile.

"Girl you just ignored me and changed the topic." Pink said shaking her head. "Anyways, what exactly did Todoroki do? Like I know you said he was being an asshole but how exactly?" Pinky asked. Everyone just looked at her. I did too, but my expression was more like the I will murder you for asking that look. She just looked around, "Did I say something wrong?" She asked clearly confused.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now