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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

It was now the day of the competition which will decide who will have what roll. If I won I was going to skate along side Todoroki, but if I lost I was going to do ballet with Aoyama. I was going on the ice after Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu got on the ice and got in position. The music started and so did she. Her skating was beautiful, at that moment I knew I had to step up my game if I wanted to win.

"Don't worry you'll do fine." I heard someone tell me. I turned to my left and saw Todoroki.

"As long as you don't forget the moves then you will do just fine." He told me. I smiled and thanked him for the tip. Soon Yaoyorozu's program was done and it was my turn. As I was making my way to the ice I heard Suki wish me luck, as well as the rest of the Bakusquad. I got on the ice and got in position. I closed my eyes and when I heard the music play I let it control me a bit. I felt the music throughout my body as I skated. I didn't let the music take too much control, if it did then I would forget the steps. I did every move and jump as I felt the music. As I was skating I got memories of the past, memories of when I skated with Yuri, Yuuko, and Takeshi. I poured my heart into my moves and jumps as well. I was doing great, but then I started to get a bit tired. 'Damn it, why now?'

I finished my program and then we waited for the results.

"Winner is (Y/N) (L/N)." Principal Nezu said. I smiled hearing that I had won.

"Your performance was quite beautiful. Every move and jump was done beautifully, you are going to do a great show at competitions." He said smiling. I smiled back and thanked him.

The little competition was during the morning so now that it is past midday we are practicing our programs and skits for competitions. Since my legs were getting tired I knew that they would give out tonight. They have been doing that lately. When I use my legs a lot or get extremely tired during the day, by the time I went to bed my legs would give out. I would lay down and couldn't feel my legs nor move them. It was a bit scary but by the morning, after a good night's rest, they would go back to normal. However I am so tired. I am practicing with Todoroki and I am starting to get super tired. We keep going over jumps and throws. Since its a pair skate we have to do this routine where he throws me a bit and I have to spin in the air and land on the ice. The landing is where I use my feet more and since I am landing on them from a big height it hurts every time I land. I bet that as soon as I lay down my feet are going to give out.

"Ok class I think that's enough for today." Mr. Aizawa said as he came in the practice room. I was relieved since we could stop now.

"I think we should stay here a bit longer and practice some more." Iida said. My dreams of stopping were crushed.

"We want to do an amazing job at the competitions since this is the first time not all of us are competing." Iida said.

"*sigh* Alright but just one more hour. You can leave before that but no one can stay any longer." Mr. Aizawa said. Everyone nodded.

"Ok, back to practicing." Todoroki told me.

'This is hell. I feel like I'm dying.'

 'I'm so happy that we can stop now.' I got off the ice and sat down on a chair to put my normal shoes on. I quickly changed my shoes and ran to my locker. I put my skates in and ran out the locker room. I made my way to the dorms. Everyone left before the hour was up, however Todoroki made me stay with him longer. I walked in and saw that dinner was being served. I quickly washed my hands and sat down at a dinning table with the rest of the Bakusquad.

"And why did you two stay alone after everyone left?" Mina teased me.

"We practiced."

"Oh yea, practice." Mina kept teasing. I threw a piece of carrot at her.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. He made me keep practicing and now I just want to rest. I feel like I will pass out any second now." I said laying my head on the table.

"Eat first dumb ass." Suki told me. I sat up and started eating.

I finished eating and made my way to my dorm. I did my night routine and then went to lay down. Just as I was falling asleep I remembered something.

'Wait, did I lock my locker??? Eh, I think I did. Either way I've left it open before and no one did anything.'

I woke up and looked at the time.

12:15 am

'I'm thirsty.'

I thought about getting water but I couldn't move my legs. I got my phone since it was on the night stand next to my bed.

U awake?

Now I am.

Fuck u

What do u want?

I'm thirsty, could u get me some water. My legs don't work so I can't go.




Plz 🙏

  I sighed and turned my phone off.
'Should I text Todoroki? Nah, he doesn't know about my legs. I don't want him to worry since we have a competition to go to. I should get some sleep, we are going to practice again tomorrow.'

I closed my eyes and soon sleep took over my.





"You deserve this."

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now