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(Y/N) p.o.v.

I was a bit mad at Bakugou. Normally he leaves me alone but he didn't this time. I felt angry at him, but I still decided to listen to him.

"Why don't you just tell them the truth and tell them what happened." He said

"What do you mean?" I asked him a bit confused.

"Tell those idiots the truth about your legs. They're your friends aren't they? Also tell your other friends what happened back at UA. Its hard trying not to tell them and keep hiding things from them."

"Yes they are my friends but I'm just not ready."

"WHEN?! WHEN WILL YOU BE READY?! They want to help you but they can't because you don't tell them whats going on. I bet Yuri, Yuuko, Victor and Minako want to know what happened between you and half and half. The idiots think your leg is broken when in reality you have a disease that might never get cured. If you want them to help you then tell them the truth."

"But what if I don't want them to help me?"

"Listen (Y/N), they are your friends so they will try to help you no matter what you say. But in order for them to do that they must know the truth. I can see how much they worry for you and how confused they get when half and half is around so tell them. If you don't tell them then they will continue to worry. They just want to help their best friend. Is that too much to ask? So please think about it and tell them." He said. I tried not to cry even though the tears were trying to escape. He left the room after telling me what was on his mind. I think he is right. Yuri deserves to know what happened about a year ago. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina deserve to know the truth about my legs.

I got up from my bed and grabbed my walking stick. I made my way out of the room and into the room the others were in. Minako was still here, Yuuko, Takeshi and the triplets were also here. I walked in the room and looked down at my feet.

"I, um, need to tell you something." I said looking at Kiri, Kami, Sero and Mina.

"What is it?" Kirishima asked

"Are you ok?" Mina asked me

"Please forgive me. I lied to you four. I actually didn't break my leg. I have a disease that hurts my legs to the point that i can get paralyzed or can't move them as much." I said bowing.

"Is that why you can't skate?" Sero asked me. I nodded my head.

They got up and hugged me.

"We forgive you. But tell us the truth next time." Mina said while the others nodded.

"I will, could you please not tell the rest of the class." I told them.

"Don't worry, we won't say a thing." Kirishima said.

"So how did your appointment go?" Yuuko asked me. I frowned.

"Doctor said that at the rate I'm going I might not be able to walk properly again." I said sadly. They all got shocked and started saying they were sorry.

"I guess I should of went to a doctor when I was younger." I said trying to joke.

"Yea you should of. We told you multiple times but you always refused." Minako said scolding me a little.

"I think (Y/N) has something else to say." Bakugou said all of a sudden.

"That's right. Thanks for reminding me Bakugou." I said

"How the hell did you get her mad?!" Kaminari asked Bakugou. Bakugou ignored him.

"That sounded weird coming from (Y/N)'s mouth." Mina said.

"Well what did you want to say?" Yuri asked.

3rd p.o.v.

Yuri was curious of what his childhood friend had to say. He had been wanting to ask her a lot of things ever since he saw her again, yet he didn't. He hoped that the thing (Y/N) wanted to say was what he has been curios about for a while now. He wanted to know what his friend had gone through. Most importantly how she got the scar he saw on her leg. He knew that scar was new and her answer just left him even more confused. "I fell while skating." Those words, or something along those lines, have been played in his mind multiple times. He knew her, he knew that she was a good skater and that she didn't fall that often. When she did fall she had never gotten a scar out of it. So how did she got that one? He wanted to know. Of course she didn't explain, he was going to ask. His mind was set and no one can change it. He was determined to find out about his friend's life back at UA. Most importantly, why that Todoroki guy is such a big problem.

"I wanted to tell you about what happened back at UA." She started to say. The people who had recently came from UA were shocked.

"Are you sure you want to tell them?"

"You sure you want to think about that?"

"Are you ok with remembering that?"

Those were some of the questions they asked her. Yuri was slightly irritated. He wanted to know, yet these people didn't want (Y/N) to talk. Was it that bad?

"Let her tell them, they are her friends after all. They also deserve to know." Bakugou said to the others. They looked at him and then back at (Y/N). They gave looks that read 'are you sure'. (Y/N) nodded her head.

"Bakugou is right. I should tell them, they will find out sooner or later and I think its better if they find out now. Plus I should tell them before someone else does." (Y/N) said. She had made up her mind, she was going to tell them. She was finally going to tell what she tried to hide from Yuri, Minako, Yuuko, and Takeshi. After what Bakugou had told her she felt like she was lying to her childhood friends. The people who helped her during difficult times. They didn't judge her or tease her, then so why was she scared to tell them? Maybe it was the memories it came with? Well whatever reason it might have been (Y/N) was ready to tell them. So she did, she started telling her childhood friends her life at UA. Well more like what happened about a year ago at UA.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now