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3rd person p.o.v.

It was now Friday but school was still open for the day. (Y/N) was sad the whole day and her friends could tell. She was just waiting for the last bell to ring so she can go to the hospital. Once school was over Minako was waiting for the four friends outside the gates.

"I'm here to take you four to the hospital. Yuri, your parents are going to come after closing the hot springs. Yuuko, same with yours but they'll be closing Ice Castle. And Takeshi, your parents are coming later as well." Minako told them. They nodded and got in her car. They drove to the hospital. (Y/N)'s father was already there. He was waiting for his daughter to arrive.

"How's mom?" (Y/N) asked her father.

"She's fine, she's resting as we speak." He told her.

"We'll wait out here for the others. You two go ahead, she is your family after all." Minako told (Y/N) and (F/N). They nodded and headed to (M/N)'s room. Once they got there they saw (M/N) sleeping peacefully. (Y/N) went to take a seat next to her mother. Her father just saw them. He knew the truth but was scared to tell his daughter. He also didn't want to believe the truth. (M/N) eyes opened slowly. She turned her head and saw her daughter. She smiled and rose her hand to touch her daughter's cheek. (Y/N) smiled when she saw her mother's eyes open. Tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"How was school?" (M/N) asked her daughter.

"It was ok." (Y/N) replied.

"Honey, do you remember how you fell?" (F/N) asked his wife. She turned to look at him. She smiled and nodded her head.

"I was cleaning near the staircase and accidentally fell. As I was falling I got scared and tried to hold on to a railing. But the way I was falling made me hit my back hard on the railing when I tried to hold it. The impact triggered my blood pressure and a bit of my asthma. I remember hitting my head as well. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I tried getting up but my legs were numb. I couldn't stand right and fell once again. That's the last thing I remember." (M/N) told her husband.

"(Y/N) could you please wait outside?" (F/N) asked his daughter. She nodded and went to the lobby her friends were waiting at.

(F/N)'s p.o.v.

"Why did you ask her to leave?" (M/N) asked me.

"I didn't want her to hear this. Listen, I'll do everything I can so you can get better I swear. I'll pay the best doctor to help you." I said. Tears were starting to form in my eyes. I walked up to her and placed my hands on hers.

"What do you mean?"

"The doctor said that you hit your back in a wrong way. It triggered your nervous system and now you're paralyzed from your waist down. And its all my fault!" I said starting to cry.

"How is it your fault? I fell by accident, nothing is your fault." She told me. I shook my head.

"When you told us what happened I remembered that there was a place in the railing that was misplaced. There is a tiny metal bar sticking out. You've told me countless times to remove it but I didn't. And now that part of the railing hit your back. The impact wasn't supposed to do this much damage. But with your leg condition and other conditions you have made it worse. Its all my fault you'll never be able to walk again." I said crying. She hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok. My phone ringed and I looked at it. Minako was calling me.

"I'm going to step out to take this." I said. I dried my eyes and walked out of the room.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt