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(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

I stared at Suki in shock. The one thing that I was trying to hide was found. Everything I have tried to hide was starting to reveal. Everything we worked so hard to achieve is falling apart. My life really has gone down hill. Whats the worst that can happen now?

"You know, I didn't want you to know that I was called that. I didn't want you to know about Shigaraki working for us either." I said looking down at my glass of milk. I was holding it and my grip tighten a bit. Yuri saw this and he placed his hand on mine as a sign to tell me it was going to be ok.

"I also want to know about that too. His little crew has been a pain in the ass to us. If you would of said something about him we could've beaten his crew a long time ago." Suki said.

"And that's why I didn't say a thing. He is working for us and if I said I knew him he would of quit." I told him.

"So? Whats wrong with him quitting? You could of hired someone else."

"Shigaraki was the only hacker we could trust and find at the time." Minako explained.

"Why did you even need a hacker in the first place?" Suki kept asking.

"I'll tell you everything. From beginning to end. In return you will let me see Todoroki without interfering or disagreeing. Is that understood?" I asked him.

"Do whatever the fuck you want. Tell me if you want, I don't give a shit any more."

"I know you're curious, Bakugou. Honestly I don't even know why you try to hide it."

"I'm not hiding shit. You're just a weak nerd who needs to be protected."

"I know who I am. I know I'm weak and I can't protect my self. But thanks to these people I've been able to survive. If you're starting to be an asshole then leave. I didn't make you stay to begin with."

"Alright I'll fucking leave. Maybe those bitches were right, being around you is a misery and misfortune."

"Yo what is going on?" A voice was heard. We all turned to look and it was Kaminari.

"KAMINARI! YOU CAN'T JUST WALK INTO A PLACE THAT SAYS CLOSED!" Kirishima yelled at him. The rest of the Bakusquad following behind him.

"How did you get in?" Yuri asked them.

"The front door. It was open." Kaminari said taking a seat next to Minako.

"You mean unlocked. He opened the door. I'm sorry about him." Kirishima apologized bowing down.

"Its alright I guess. Toshiya, weren't you in charge of locking the door?!" Mrs. Katsuki scolded her husband.

"Why is the hot springs closed though?" Sero asked.

"Didn't you read the fucking sign?" Bakugou asked.

"We didn't, and why are you so mad Kachan?" Kaminari said and asked.

"Don't fucking call me that. Hey idiots give me a ride to my house."

"You mean dorms?" Mina asked.

"No, I mean my house. The Bakugou residence."

"Uh, sure after we talk to (Y/N)." Kirishima said.

"Congratulations (Y/N) the class believes you know. Although we didn't kick Yaoyorozu out, but she is under surveillance until she can be trusted again. Also Todoroki isn't living at the dorms right now." Mina told me. She was excited when she told me.

"So what were you and Kachan fighting about?" Kaminari asked.

"Hey I think we should talk about some thing else. Or we should do a fun activity." Yuuko said.

"But mom, we wanted to continue seeing and hearing the drama!" The triplets said in unison.

"What are the three of you talking about! You're too young to be getting into drama!" Yuuko scolded her kids.

"Yo I went to see the sign. I'm sorry for your lose, may I ask who died?" Kirishima said walking back to where we were. I hadn't noticed he left.

"For reals? Oh man, my bad. I'm sorry." Kaminari said quickly getting up on his feet and bowed. Mina and Sero apologized as well.

"My mother did, we're just having a memorial today. On this day, 11 years ago she died and it was her birthday." I said trying not to cry.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hey could you take us to the shrine so we can pay our respects?" Kirishima asked me. I looked away from them and looked at my cookie this time.

"We don't have one." I said.

"Yea she lost is somehow." Bakugou told them.

"Hey, you should be more careful with what you say! You don't know a thing about what she's been through!" Yuri shouted at him. Bakugou just rolled his eyes.

"Ok, what happened you two? Its rare to see you two arguing or fighting." Mina asked.

"Bakugou was the one who started it." I said.

"You're acting like a fucking child."

"Well I wish I were one. Back when I was a child my life was happier." I told him.

"Are you just saying that because your mother died? Is that the whole reason why this whole town called you the cursed and abandoned child?" Bakugou asked me. I could tell he was getting more pissed.

"So what if it is. I am cursed for not having parents. While you do but you call them hag and old man." I said. I wanted to yell at him but I tried my best to control myself.

"That doesn't explain the abandoned part!" He yelled.

"Wait you're called the cursed and abandoned child?" Kirishima asked me.

"Yea she is." Bakugou answered.

"She was abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was later targeted to assassinate. That's the real reason she is called cursed and abandoned. Cursed because she was being hunted. Abandoned because not only her mother died but her father left after she lost her mother. Ever since we have been her family. She doesn't even have her house, which had her mother's shrine." Minako said trying to calm everyone down. "Does that answer your question now?" She asked him. His eyes were full of shock. He turned to look at me but I looked away. Yuri went up to hug me.

"You want to know why I was called misfortune? Well it was my own fault. I lacked in self confidence and lost at skating competitions. People blamed my losses at (Y/N) because of her past. She never brought misfortune to anyone. If someone brought misfortune it was her father." Yuri said glaring at Bakugou.

"I'll tell you want you want to know. My condition still stands though. Like I said, from beginning to end." I told him while glaring.

Broken Dream Todoroki x Yuri!!! on ICE reader (BNHA Dance AU and YOI crossover)Where stories live. Discover now