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Lee 11 Am
"Tauvi help me get all of Reece's things out of here please".  "Mom that's not a good idea, Reece needs you just as much as you need here". "No she doesn't. I want Reece gone all the shit she put me through in the past I don't want none to do with her, please Tauvi just help me okay?" I ask "Okay mom!" He sighs "Don't do that Tauvi You have me." I say as I pack Reece's things in a box "When she comes back we will have all her stuff ready to go and I will bring her to wherever she needs to go" I put all her expensive jewelry pieces in newspaper then in the box with her hats "I feel bad for her... she has no one mom" Tauvi says as he folds her shirts "Son she has her baby, I have y'all three to care for, I am good now. I promise and don't worry much about her okay? She is fine I promise" I kiss Tauvi as we finish up with Reece's stuff.

"Briasia open the door! Open the fuckin door Briasia!!!!" I yell as I pound on the door then it opens and I expect it to be that curly head but it's not "what? The kids are still asleep, they gave me a hard time last time because of you being here outside and they want to see you but I moved on" Briasia says "Lee is kicking me out and someone fucked up my car, Did she do it?" I step inside and close the door behind me "You can't be here I have a restraining order on you, I wasn't with Royal when she left or even after that. If she did it I'm sorry ok but please leave Reece, she isn't someone you want to fuck wit" Briasia goes to open the door but I grab her arm "Why did you do this Bri? I haven't done anything since.. you know... please Bri I want to be able to see the girls, You know they will miss me terribly don't do this to t..." before I could finish my sentence the door was opening and I didn't have time to do anything before Royal grabbed me "look man I I.. I just wanted to know why my car fucked up..." I say "To give you a fuckin lesson!" Royal says "I want to see the girls.." I say "Babe go upstairs, I'll be there in a few" Royal says to Bri "Look man I don't want no problems, I don't want to fight, okay.. Ima go" I say "Nah you ain't going nowhere, You obviously didn't get it the first fuckin time so ima show you what I mean and what I say I stick to it." Royal says "Bri tell her!" I try to get Briasia's help "Babe..." "I'm not going to kill her but please baby go upstairs" Once Bri is out of sight Royal turns her attention back towards me "Either you can stay away, from my woman, from my kids, from our house, and if you see her, them or I stay the fuck away... I got niggas who will love to tap that thickness so if I catch your ass again ima mail you to them" Royal licks her lips then let's me go. I decide to leave... "See you got a second car" Royal winks "Don't even think about it I will dead ass fuck you up" I say "Tough gyal Reece, but I know your lil friend Lee I do my homework, She ain't no match for me especially in the condition she is in" Royal smirks "Whatever!" I say as I leave.

Once back in the car I text a few people letting them know the new problem on the streets. One thing a bitch isn't going to do is threaten my best friend On God I take that as a position to kill your ass, so Royal better watch her back, her sides and her front at all times. Reece can't die bitch so keep trying! After a few more texts explaining how the bitch looks I drive away but this bitch ain't keeping my kids from me I'll tell you that much right now. Incoming call from Lee incoming call from Lee "Yo" I answer
"I need my car..." Lee says "I'm coming now, down the street" I say "I miss you" I say to her "I know" Lee says then hangs up. I pull up at the house and go inside "Lee" I say "yeah!" She comes from the living room "here" I hand her back her keys when she hands me a box "what's this?" I ask "your stuff I told you I want you out" Lee looks at me and I look at her.. "don't do this..". "Reece, Lets go" She grabs boxes and starts to load her car I can't believe this shit "WHERE THE FUCK AM I GONNA GO HUH?" I ask "You'll figure it out" Lee grabs the last box "come on" I get into the passenger side and don't say shit I'm hurt extremely hurt... Why and how could she? "I know that you are hurt but so am I, I'm sorry for doing this Reece but at the same time I think we both need our space" I hear everything Lee is saying but I don't agree... I know I did wrong many times before but really... right now.. when she needs me and I need her.. Tears fill my eyes then fall... I stay silent "Is the hotel fine?" Lee asks and I just nod yes "ok" she says Once she gets to the hotel I sit in the car for a few minutes before finally stepping out "I'll get your car fixed and have it brought to you" she says "thanks" I say as I open the trunk and get boxes, Lee helps...

"Fuck my life!" I cut the hotel Tv on and watch criminal minds incoming call from unknown I quickly answer the phone "yo" I say
"Mama" Reinna's voice cuts through "Rei, where is your mom?" I ask "right here she let me call you I miss you" Reinna's little voice makes tears fall again. I miss her so much "I miss you too baby. How is Briah doing" I ask "she is good Briah say hi it's Reece"
After 45 minutes we end the call. I wish I could scoop them up and hug them so tight but I can't. Finally I drift off to sleep....

Behind My smile-3 (Karma) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora