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Briasia Jones 3 AM

                   "YOU FUCKIN SOMEONE ELSE AIN'T IT?" I yell at Royalty "Fuck are you talking  about It's three in the damn morning and you throwing cold ass water on me Bri?" Royalty sits up and starts taking her clothes off "Who you fuckin huh?" I smack her across the face "Chill out man!" She grabs my hands but I gain control back and beat her ass "Calm the fuck down" Royalty gains control and holds me down not letting me get up at all "FUCK YOU ROYAL!" I cry "I KNOW YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME YOU FUCKIN BITCH!" tears run down my eyes, anger fills my body "LISTEN TO ME! LISTEN!" She wraps her arms around me then starts talking, My blood boils.... "HOW COULD YOU?" I run out of the room and lock myself in the kids bathroom, I cry and cry and cry, She cheated on me with another bitch, She fucked someone else but won't even tell me who this bitch is, Right when I think I found the one, Everything gets fucked up... everything! I love royalty but I can't date a cheater, I can not even be around her in this moment, I been through enough man and it fuckin sucks ass that someone else who said they would never hurt me! This isn't even the first time either. "Fuck this, that bitch can have you!" I leave the bathroom, grab my car keys out of the nightstand than head into my kid's room to wake them up but Royal grabs me before I can open the door completely "Get off of me!" I cry "It was Reece..." she whispers, I feel my heart drop as I lose all feeling in my body and I stand frozen unable to say or move anything "I had to gain control of the situation to get her to trust me enough to make the next move" Royalty says "If I don't take her out she will take us out, you and I!" Royalty's words sting me like a bullet Ant "Babe say something" She goes to pull my arm but I punch her as hard I can in her jaw, blood drips from her mouth, She looks at me before walking away. "Wake up! Wake up we have to go" I pick Briah up while Rei walks with me out of the house "momma where we going?" Briah asks "Just a hotel for tonight baby" I kiss her forehead before placing her in the car, helping both of them buckle... Royal walks out of the house holding a bag of ice on her jaw "It's like that?" She asks while standing on the porch "Don't ever contact me again" I say "You can't be serious!?" Royal tears up "FUCK YOU!" I get in the car and take off. "Mommy I don't want no more other mommas" Briah rubs her eyes "I want Reece!" They say in unison "I know my babies I know" Tears run down my eyes as I drive to the hotel "Mommy get Reece" Rei points out the window, I see Reece doing in exchange with some young stud "Stay in the car" I pull over, lock the doors and head over to Reece "If my kids weren't in the car asking for you I would kill you!" I whisper in her ear "You think I fucked your girl? I didn't touch her at all... She strapped me... I had no choice but to let her, Fuck out my face with the bullshit" Reece definitely been drinking "Where is your car Reece!?" I ask her "Fuck if I know" she stumbles "Come on" I grab her bag and her arm then pull her towards my car and help her into the seat "Heyyy Briah, Reinna!" Reece smiles at them "Mommy can Reece stay with us?" They ask... I look over at Reece for her to explain why she can't but her drunk ass can't even talk straight "Yeah of course I can!" She smiles "I'm going to The hotel." I let Reece know "ahh nice, I'll get y'all breakfast in the morning" Reece smiles before closing her eyes "Yayyy!" The twins say excitedly, They love breakfast especially when Reece makes it or buys it.
Grand Bry Hotel

After Reece settles the twins she showers, then gets in the bed next to me only in her boxers and sports bra "You know I love y'all right?" She asks "Yeah Reece I kn..." before I could finish my sentence she kisses me "Reece..." I look shocked but instead of pushing her away I kiss her... You stupid bitch....

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