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Reece - Grand Bry Hotel - 7am

I put in a order for a small amount of all the breakfast food on the menu, It ends up coming thirty minutes later... Just in time, I tip the server eighty before grabbing plates, forks and spoons and serving the children then Bri... While everyone is eating I decide to take a hot shower, A lot has been on my mind, We kissed last night.. I initiated the kiss but Bri definitely kisses me back... I don't think anything more will come from that kiss because I am still with Lee, I don't plan to leave her but I also do love Briasia and our kids no matter what. "Reece" Bri comes into the bathroom "Yeah?" I say "Why?" She asks I can hear her voice breaking "I was going to kill her... I had to get close enough so she could trust me, I then thought of the twins, I won't take her away from you or them" I say "The twins don't want her Reece, They want you... They've always wanted you and only you" Bri starts to cry, I cut the water off, grab a towel and wrap it around my body before getting out "I love you, I love them and I am really really sorry but I fucked up so many times that I lost track... I do not ever want to hurt you again." I hug her tightly "We can fix this Reece..." She cries "We can't though!" I say honestly "We can just give it time" She puts her arms around me, Her hugs feel so good... It fills the hole in my heart. The hole that I didn't know was there... until her arms wrapped around me tighter... "Lee doesn't love you like I do" Briasia breaks the silence "What do you mean?" I raise a brow "I saw it in her before the incident, I see it in her now... She doesn't love you that deeply Reece" Briasia looks me in the eyes and I see a look I never seen before "W what do you mean?" I ask confused "Lee is playing you Reece. How can you not see that?" She looks at me but I look away and grab the clothes I put on the counter "C can you give me a minute please" After I say that Briasia walks out leaving me to get dressed but I break down silently, tears escape from my eyes... "Hey Siri call Lee" I say softly, once the phone starts ringing I put it to my ear "Do you love me?" I say as soon as she answers but there is a silence... "Lee do you truly love me, As an actual partner..?" I ask while tears run freely down my face "I loved you..." she says "I loved you yes... but Everytime you are Round me I think of every bad thing that happened and is happening... We aren't meant to be" Lee hangs up in my face... After I am dressed I wash my face, brush my teeth, spray a few drops of the cologne that someone forget here on me then walk out "Reece.. Mommy went outside to the corner store" Briah smiles "Okay baby" I sit down next to them and grab an orange juice cup "Mommy and Royal broke up" Reinna says "I know baby, But I'm trying to fix it" I say "No we don't want Royal" They say in unison "I know baby but your mommy and I can't be together, I messed up too many times and I hurt her feelings"  "Mommy loves you and so do we" The twins say in unison.
Four Nights after - Briasia

"Babe if you can't do it just tell me!" Royal says "I can okay, it's just... The twins love her... I'll do it just promise me you won't let them see anything" I say "Baby they won't see anything just stick to the plan" Royal hangs up, I head back into the bedroom with Reece and lay next to her, placing my arm around her body "Hmm" she moans "Go back to sleep babe" I kiss her cheek before closing my eyes... The plan replays in my head a thousand times but each time I replay it something goes wrong. "Just a little while longer!" I say to myself.

10am- The Plan Takes Place

"Guys I have to go to the store for some essentials, Reece is still asleep so if you need anything just go to her okay?" I kiss Rei and Briah on their little noses before departing, I would remove them from the hotel but than Reece will definitely think something is up. They are safe, Royal would never hurt them!

"Just don't do anything stupid when you go in there, Our kids are probably running around" I say to the two men that I hired. I stay in the back making sure no one comes through to ruin this plan and a nigga that I hired stays in the front while the two guys head inside "She can fight so be smart and quick as possible" I tell them "Word!" The twin men say before heading up.

As I'm playing hide and seek with the children I see Briah-Ann's foot under the couch "Gosh I think I lost Briah, I can't find her anywhere, I checked under the beds and the table where can she be?" I sit on the couch then bend down and tickle her little foot, she laughs uncontrollably "ok ok you got me you got me" she laughs as she comes out from under the couch "Whaaat I thought that was Reinna!" I joke "I know where she is!" Briah says softly "Let's go see!" I smile as I get up and we go look for her "FOUND YOU!" Briah laughs as she moves the curtain back revealing Reinna.

"GET DOWN!!!!" Two men come running up in the apartment, I immediately shield the girls, "Go in the room and lock the door!" I put my phone in Reinna's hand "What do you want?" I get down on my knees and put my hands up "Look at this bitch" one of the guys comes close enough, I tackle him and start raining down punches on his face but the other guy grabs me from behind, I try to beat his ass but I fail when they both grab me "You stupid bitch!" He spits blood out of his mouth before socking me in mine, "BITCH!" I let out a laugh "Let me go you fuckin pussy!" I try to get out of the stronger man's arms but it's no use, They say something in a different language then the guy that socked me starts feeling on me which makes me freak out, I try my hardest to get out of this nigga's grip "YOU FUCKIN SICK ASS!" I free one hand then grab his balls and squeeze them, before any real damage can be done I'm hit in the back of my head with a gun.

Moments later.....
"Wake up!" I hear a familiar voice... it's Royalty "What the fuck!" I try to get up but I notice that I am cuffed and taped down "YOU FUCKIN BITCH YOU FUCKIN BITCH I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I try to get out of the chair while the men and Royal just laugh. "How could you, The girls were there!" I say "Sweetie,You were set up... Did you really think for a second that Briasia would get back with someone like you, After niggas ran a train through that" Royal laughs "You remember what I said right?" Royal asks while touching my shoulder "About what?" I ask "About making you my baby mama!" She lets out a chuckle "Naaah, nah I don't know what you're talking about" I lie "Yes you do!" Royal places her hand on my jeans, she unzips them "Come on Royal..." I plead "It's nothing you haven't had before" she smirks "Nah man nah!" I try to break free from the chair "No matter how much you move and or fight that shit isn't going to snap, I learned about you Reece" She smiles before kissing my lips than taking a seat across from me while the two men from earlier walk in... I start to scream at the top of my lungs "No one can hear you" Royalty yells "FUCK YOU!" I yell in anger "Do her nice boys!" Royal smiles while they start to touch on me, I can't do anything to protect myself, I can't make them stop, I can't do anything but let it happen. "WAIT WAIT OK PLEASE JUST WAIT! ROYAL ONE MINUTE PLEASE!" I beg her "Give me the room" she dismisses the sick dirty guys "What?" She growls; once they are gone she cuts me free "Give me the gun" I say "Why?" She asks "I'll kill myself before I go through that again" I go to snatch the gun but she doesn't let me "Give me the gun" I beg "I'll hold it you pull the trigger" she points the gun at my head, I close my eyes say a quick prayer for the twins then pull the trigger....

    The End...


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