Is Carter Invincible?

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Royalty 🤬

Bestie: Yo so I'm at ur girl's job picking up shit and now Some bitch named Carter got us all on gunpoint
Me: At the work???
Bestie: Yess yo, This bitch is crazy she got a child and the mother, The child is still alive. Bri is scared asf man. I'm going to try to take her down
Me: Nah don't... I'll be there, Keep eye on my woman if she tries anything play stupid and distract her
Bestie: Ight I will !

"FUCK MAN!" I punch the wall "What's wrong?" My baby mama asks "Hostage situation at Bri's job, Her ex got her" I say as I grab my car keys "I'm going to be right back baby" I give my son a kiss before leaving... If this bitch lays a fucking finger on Bri I am going to shoot her dead where she stands! Fucking fuck face. I speed all the way there than hop out of car once in the parking lot, I pull out my small gun and head inside, I immediately see Carter's back turned to me I aim the gun but someone's dumbass says "WHOAAA TWO OF THEM!" "ROYALTY?" Carter looks stunned, She grabs Briasia and uses her as a shield while dunking low because she is a tall fuckin bird "Let Bri go and you can have me" I say "Bitch nice try I don't want you, I want Bri, I want nothing to do with you at all you stupid ugly bitch! Die" Carter sounds like a mad ass teen who lost their video game. "You don't have to do this Carter you'll go to jail" Briasia cries "Hey, hey baby look at me.... She won't hurt you Bri" I say "Yes I will" Carter puts the gun to Briasia's head "Go ahead Carter kill her, Just do it, Kill Briasia" I say but Carter does nothing, She doesn't move a single muscle "You're a pussy Carter all bark no bite" Once I say that Carter pushes Briasia away and goes to shoot me but I fire four shots into her abdomen "CALL 911!" I yell as I go over and help the child "It's ok sweetie, it's ok I got you" I take off my shirt and tie it around the child's knee "Hey it's going to be just fine I promise you" I pick the young little girl up and wait for an ambulance "How old are you?" I ask her "Seven" she says "Wow so you're a big brave girl huh?" I say "Yes" she lightly smiles "The ambulance is outside!" Briasia opens the door for me and I carry the little girl to the paramedic "Look at you, What a brave girl" The female medic takes her "Her mom is inside, She was shot in the face I think she's dead" Briasia says while holding my arm "Babe I can't be here" She cries "Ma'am are you okay?" The medic asks Bri "I'm fine" Bri says "Hey I thought you said someone was in there with four shots to the abdomen, Only one shot is a woman, Right in her face" The male medic looks at us and we look at him completely shocked....

Behind My smile-3 (Karma) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora