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Lee Adamson
"After jumping in the water, I quickly swim up for air, This isn't the way.... I have children, not biologically but I took them in and they are mine. As I'm in the water a lot of flashes come back at once, from all the arguments and fights, to being a police officer, run ins with bad guys, drugs, weed, Reece beating on Briasia, getting into it with Carter and Reece, being shot, having sex with Reece.... full detail.... Everything just hits... I think to myself what am I doing? Where am I supposed to be? Who is my partner is it Reece or should I move on? All these questions I have for myself which I can not seem to understand nor answer, My life really did change but at least I have a chance to make it what I want it to be. Regardless of anyone else. It's time for me to get out of this water and start my life! Suicide isn't the answer and never will be the answer...
sorry!!! After swimming to the grassy area I pull myself out of the water and lay there in deep thought when all of a sudden I hear my name being screamed.... "LEEE LEE WHERE ARE YOU?" LEE ADAMSON!" I hear people yell "THAT'S HER CAR!" A familiar voice raises "I AM OVER HERE!" I shout "I AM HERE!" I shout again "REECE!" I scream "LEE!" She screams "REEEEEECEEEEE" I manage to get up to run over to her, my body aches from that jump but I'll be okay.
"I'm here" Reece hugs me tightly and I hug her back, Something clicks... I kiss her neck "I'm sorry" I begin to cry. She was right.... we were together and I now remember... This is where I belong! This is where she belongs! "I'm sorry" I repeat "Don't apologize" she says "I remember" "I knew you would" Reece smiles "I love you" she says which makes me smile... I love her also. "Can we go home" I giggle "yes"

Once we get in the door I thank everyone for caring about me and actually coming to look for me, Then Reece and I say goodbye to them. "How's Bri?" I ask "I don't know... I was supposed to go to the hospital to check on Reinna" she says "Mom why didn't you tell me you had the other phone?" Tauvi asks "Sweetie I'm sorry, I just didn't want anyone to bother me I was having a really hard time but I am okay now, I love you all so much" I hug my children. "Go ahead and check on Bri n them" I go to head up the stairs for a relaxing shower "After that? I'm not leaving you" Reece says "I'm fine I promise" I say "I'm not leaving... Bri has someone, they will handle it together. This is where I belong. Right here with you all" Reece kisses me.

Briasia: I heard what happened is everything okay?
Me: everything is fine. I can't check on Rei but I will tomorrow. I need to be here with Lee at this moment
Briasia: I understand! Ttyl love
I don't respond I just close my phone and think to myself if Lee actually remembers... remembers like I remember.... I doubt it but if she does that's amazing! In that moment where I thought I lost my bestfriend forever was the most scariest moment of my life. Lee means everything to me despite all the bullshit I put her through. Lee will never have to experience what Briasia did when I was with her. I'm not going to fuck this up ever! She means way to much to me more than anyone ever has.

"Who's that?" I rub my eyes "It was someone at the neighbors they knocked on the wrong door" Royalty lays back down "oh okay!" I drift off back to sleep "Are you okay?" Royalty asks "mmm" I say "goodnight Amor" she kisses me then also falls asleep.
7 Am - I wake up the twins, give them bathes and dressed then head downstairs where Royalty is making us breakfast, chocolate chip waffles, confetti pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, sausage, roasted seasoned potatoes, a fruit tray with cream cheese dip and our favorite wine, juicy juice orange juice for the children "It all looks so good!" I kiss her good morning "Thanks babe, I hope it's good haha" she giggles "I bet it is" we all sit down while she makes our plates, serves us and herself last "Thank you Royalty" my kids say with big smiles on their face. "Thank you papa" I smile"you're all welcome! Babe I have to eat and head out, I have a meeting today at the spot to figure out the C problem" She winks "Alright babe, please make it back home to me I don't know what I'd do without you" I say as we all continue eating when there is a knock on the door, the kids and I jump from the sudden loud noise "Who is it?" Royalty asks  "I'm here for Briasia Jones" They say "okay well we gonna ignore it" Royalty says to me "open the door please" The voice booms "stay here Babe" Royal gets up and checks to see who it is "Who are you?" She asks "Im here to speak to Briasia Jones" The person says I quickly get up and head to the door to see who it is "What the hell...." I panic when I see who it is

Do you think Royalty will turn out like Reece and Carter?
Should Lee stay with Reece or move on?
What do you think will happen next?

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