Alyssa Cosgrove

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My internet has been acting up soon as I said I want to do an update everyday 🤦🏾‍♂️ WTF URGHHH !!!!!
Reece S. Tuesday 12pm
I am just waking up, I slept so horrible, kept waking up dreaming that Lee will never remember me or my son. This shit is killing me and I don't even really want a kid of my own, every time I look at him I remember everything that has happened to me... He looks like me, but he looks like all of them at the same time which scares me... what if he turns into the men that raped me and goes raping woman?
I don't want that... I can't find any studies on how kids conceived through rape turn out. "REECE HE WON'T STOP CRYING!" Tauvi yells from upstairs "coming!" I say as I get up and head out of the guest room going up the stairs to get him.

Lee Adamson

Today I finally get to go home after having my doctor put in calls to home care specialist

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Today I finally get to go home after having my doctor put in calls to home care specialist. My caregiver is Alyssa Cosgrove and she is 22 years old, she has a 1 year old son that she will be bringing to work with her everyday. The other choice of caregiver I had was a guy and I definitely do not want a man helping me. "Are you ready to leave ma'am?" My nurse asks "ye yes I am" I go to sit up but end up falling back into the bed. "Let us help you" the two female nurses help me into my wheelchair , Hopefully soon I can walk around without this chair but for now I am confined to it. Being shot took a toll on me and I forgot how to do simple things, I forgot people but I know one day it'll all come back to me.
An hour later 💔
I finally make it home, They had me do a few tests just to make sure I was capable of making decisions and I knew what certain items and sentences are. I know what to do an a emergency and I can depend on my son if anything. "MOMMMMMY" my two youngest run to me and give me a huge hug. I scoop them up and put them on my lap *yeaaaa I still got my strength* I think to myself    "Mom, we are glad to have you back!" Tauvi comes over and gives me a huge hug I hug him back "mom Reece and her son are in the guest room. Do you want them to leave?" Tauvi asks "I don't know, I'll let you know if it isn't going to work" I respond "alright!" Tauvi wheels me inside, the van driver brings my bag inside and the home caregivers finally come in "We will be here until your mom can walk independently and knows all the basics again. Trust me your mom is super cool she already knows so much" Alyssa tells the little ones "my mommy's a cop" Angel smiles "yes I know. That's another reason why she is super awesome and super strong" Alyssa says in a cheerful way "Hey, My name is Reece Sparkson, Lee's bestfriend" Reece introduces herself to Alyssa and I can tell she been crying.... maybe because I don't remember being with her... maybe some other reason, I don't know though....


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