Part III Chapter II

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"I'm not wearing it."

"Will you just put it on? We don't have time for this, Kyra."

"I'm not putting it on! I'll be fine with my own cloak, thank you very much."

Sasuke sighed for the umpteenth time and threw the Akatsuki cloak on his bed, completely fed up with Kyra's refusals to wear it.

"Your cloak was destroyed," Sasuke couldn't help but point out. Kyra rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in defiance.

"I'm still not putting it on. Wearing the cloak means joining the organization, and I'm not doing that shit."

"You're already in the organization by being involved with Taka."

"Another thing! I told you I will have no part in Taka's plans to crush the Leaf. I won't participate in destroying the place I've considered home for my time in this world, I won't go after Naruto for his tailed beast, and I refuse to kill my friends."

Sasuke glared at her and frowned deeply. Kyra glared back. Lately, they've been having arguments like this ever since she had heard his declaration back during the meeting. Her opposition was clear as day and every chance she got, she made sure to voice it out. Sasuke nearly exploded at her the first time they argued about this, but Kyra wasn't having any of it. Things would've been easier if she had just told him. Her meeting with Madara dampened that plan quickly.

"You will help me achieve my goals," Sasuke demanded. "Did you forget our agreement?"

"Not at all." Kyra rolled her eyes. "You helped me find Rapture Ruins, I helped you find Itachi. Destroying the Leaf, however, was not a part of our little contract."

"You're being difficult."

"You're the one that's being difficult! Need I remind you that the people of the Hidden Leaf are innocent?! You preach about your clan being massacred, and yet you're so willing to dirty your hands and slaughter an entire village for your own vengeance!"

His face was red in anger and Kyra could tell he was beginning to become more than just fed up. He was mad, unbelievably so with the mention of both Itachi as well as his vengeance. He could kill with that glare of his, but Kyra had been around him long enough to know the ins and outs of his mind. She was no longer scared. Not when something else was looming over her head.

"Don't you dare-"

Both she and Sasuke halted in their heated discussion when the presence of another person suddenly became known. As Sasuke turned his seething sights on the new arrival, Kyra tensed and looked away.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something." Madara's voice was mocking, teasing them in the fact that not only he heard everything they were discussing, but the entire hideout as well. Kyra hated it when he felt the need to tease them.

"What do you want?" Sasuke so rudely inquired.

"A meeting for Team Taka and the Akatsuki. We'll be discussing the matters in which you'll need in order to capture the eight tails."

"Fine then." Sasuke stared pointedly at Kyra, ordering her to get moving so that she could join in their meeting as well, however, all she did was stare defiantly back at him in her spot. Before she could even reiterate that she wouldn't be joining in his endeavors, Madara cut in once again.

"The meeting is for Team Taka members only."

Kyra immediately caught on to what he was trying to do, the sneaky bastard. Sasuke sneered at him briefly until Kyra made it a point to walk away from the two and sit on Sasuke's bed.

Child of the GoddessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon