Part III Chapter VIII.iii

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Everyone stood readily as Obito counted down the last few seconds of their ten minutes. Kyra, whilst doing her best to keep her face calm and composed, couldn't help but let loose a few of her jitters. Her foot tapped against the ground and she clenched and unclenched her fists repeatedly, eyes closed in concentration. 


A shift in the air, a slight breeze, and she knew Obito had started his technique. 


At that moment, her arms and legs extended in an unnatural way. Tingles racked throughout her entire body as it continued to expand and contract. The feeling was comparable to that of a whirlwind.


A familiar warmth grew in her stomach. Her throat was as dry as sandpaper when she reminded herself of her goals. She only had one chance, and Minato knew that too. He held a comforting hand on her back while clenching one of his kunai in his other hand. Finally, their vision cleared up and Kyra had a clear view of the battlefield. For a moment, only a moment, time slowed in her eyes involuntarily and she was able to see Madara as he barrelled straight through hordes of shinobi. Bursts of blood and guts rained all over the field as Madara furiously slashed through the people she swore to protect. 


Minato had already launched his special kunai toward Madara, so he wasted no time in transporting both him and Kyra toward where the weapon landed. For a second, Kyra was lightheaded, then as Minato landed and immediately spun around to throw Kyra even closer, she felt time slow once more. Her heart beat in nervousness and as she readied her fists, they continued to tremble-


Madara had no time to react. 

A harsh grip on his shoulders was all the time in the world she needed. 

Kyra grit her teeth together as she relentlessly pushed her powers further and further into Madara. She barely registered that the physical body of the Ten Tails began to reappear right from under them. Her feet struggled to stay steady, but her hands refused to let go until Madara was fully detached, and in a few more seconds, that's exactly what happened. Because of Kyra's force, Madara and her both went flying off of the beast as soon as it detached. 

Minato's strong arms caught Kyra quickly and transported her back toward Obito and Kakashi. As the pair quickly got to work with their combined Mangekyo, Kyra looked toward the rest of her group. She nodded to everyone, a sort of goodbye and good luck if you will, and then she caught sight of Sasuke. It took all the willpower within her to stop the choke from leaving her throat when their eyes met.

Deep within the darkness of his eyes was a mirror of her own, swimming in clear apprehension. Neither party knew whether or not they'd live to tell the tale. Battling the Ten Tails was no small thing, and trying to stay alive against a furious Madara Uchiha was no better. 

Her feet moved before her mind could even register it. It was quick when she leaned up close to Sasuke's ears, whispered words as clear as crystal, then parted all too soon. His eyes trailed after her once again.

When Obito and Kakashi transported them as well as the entirety of the Ten Tails, the full gravity of the situation suddenly landed on her shoulders. Just staring up at its beady eyes was enough to cause her legs to tremble and whatever food she had eaten recently threaten to leave her body.

Stop it. You have this one chance. Don't waste it.

Putting on a brave face, she finally spoke. 

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