SPECIAL I- Fun Facts

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Hello everyone! To celebrate the ending of Part I as well as to welcome Part II, I wanted to write a special little chapter for you readers. I hope you stick around through it all!

Just as a quick explanation, I originally wrote Child of the Goddess as a different but similar book that I didn't intend to publish. I only got about ten to twenty chapters in before I started to re write it into what we all know as Child of the Goddess. The following facts are mainly about what I originally wrote and how different it is comparing it to the final product.

Let's start!

1. Child of the Goddess was originally set in the past, more specifically when all the genin were together and were young little innocent children. I decided to change the setting to Shippuden because it made more sense for the plot I had in mind, as well as would've been too long and confusing to write had I stuck with the original plan. I did do art work for this original book that I never shared. Here's what Kyra would have looked like as a 12 year old:

 Here's what Kyra would have looked like as a 12 year old:

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2. Kyra was originally created to be a version of myself that I aspired to be more like. I never truly planned to publish this book or the original book at all because of that fact and that it would be too personal. I ultimately published this book on a whim, which is probably one of the best decisions I made on this platform.

3. At the beginning of the original story, Kyra was supposed to arrive because of a car accident she was involved in with her sister. In the first version, Kyra had a sister that was supposed to play a pretty large role in the series, however I wrote her entirely out as the story got too complicated.

4a. Kyra was never supposed to be observed and under house arrest in the beginning. Because the original plot had Hiruzen as Hokage, he was more understanding to Kyra's situation and allowed her to stay in the village with no problems at all and even provided her money and a place to stay for a bit. When Kyra was adjusted, she got a job at the Yamanaka flower shop to support herself as a civilian and met Ino. The two were supposed to be extremely close.

4b. Because Kyra and Ino were close, Kyra would drop Ino lunch that she forgot at home. She stayed and watched her class practice and it was then that Kyra heard the words that Kakashi spoke to Naruto and Sakura when she first met them; the words he used to explain what a shinobi is and what they do for their village. However, it was actually Iruka who spoke them in the original book.

5a. Like all unoriginal fan fictions, Kyra was supposed to be a part of a five man team consisting of her and Team 7. The plan was to have Kyra get extremely close to everyone (yes, even Sakura though not a lot of fan fictions do this) so that they'd all be considered family to one another. Her and Sasuke were supposed to grow feelings for each other as they got closer in the team.

5b. Sasuke and Kyra did not get along. At all. Like hissy fit every time they saw each other kinda thing. This is because he said some rude things to her when she first began training, and being the extremely flamboyant girl I originally wrote her to be, she sassed him back, thus beginning the beautiful hate relationship they had. Here's some artwork I had done to convey just how they felt about each other:

 Here's some artwork I had done to convey just how they felt about each other:

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6. The Shon Arc was taken from the original story, just tweaked a little bit. It was a good plot point that I wanted to keep so that Kyra could get a first, true confirmation of just what her powers were as well as how powerful she actually is.

7. Gai was supposed to be Kyra's first teacher, not Kakashi. This was entirely because I wanted her to have awesome taijutsu skills before being a part of Team 7, which was sort of changed in the new book. Obviously, Kyra does train with Gai's team now and then, however she's not nearly as skilled as when I first wrote her to be. Remember, I had no intention of publishing this book, so I made her as over powering and as lovable as I wanted since I didn't care of what people would think. Also, let's be honest. There's at least some parts of us that love to think of our own Mary Sue like character in our imaginations!

8. Kyra was supposed to have a love triangle with Neji and Sasuke when they were genin. Neji's feelings were supposed to develop during the Shon Arc when the two of them infiltrated the headquarters alone. Sasuke's were supposed to develop during the Land of Waves Arc when Kyra confronted him as to why he hated her so much.

9. I intended for the book to have two languages: English and Japanese. English was Kyra's native language and Japanese was something she learned. She would be speaking Japanese in Konoha, but she couldn't read. Because of this, she had a hard time during her entire stay throughout the series (studying, the written chunin exams, etc. were all very hard for her). I took this out because it made the story too confusing, and also because of the change in setting and plot, English no longer had a purpose in the story anymore.

10. The concept of the Gods and Realm Rulers were not a part of the original plot at all. I decided to include them to add some originality as well as because it would explain the ending of the book much easier. However, The Goddess (as we know her to be Epoch now) was something that was constant. She just didn't have a name nor a big part of the plot until the ending.

And there you have it! Ten fun facts of the original book and the new book. I hope these were interesting to read. I have a ton of other facts that I wanted to share, but decided to keep it at ten points because I wanted to spread out these special chapters more.

Did you expect any of that at all? I would love to see your comments and your reactions to these facts!

Child of the Goddess will be back next week! See you all then!

Peace :)

Peace :)

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