Part II Chapter V

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A bright flash of light illuminated the dimly lit room with every hit of her glowing fist. Fast and uneven breaths exhaled from her mouth, her entire being practically begging for her to stop and rest.


Kyra heaved a great grunt and readied her fists once more. Golden chakra glowed around her clenched hands in a more concentrated, spherical form, no longer loose and flowing. As she punched the poor test subject in the chest, his body finally caved in from the repeated blows she had already inflicted on his skin. A gurgling cough left his lungs and the man tensed up. He started twitching, his body convulsing rather rapidly, and Kyra froze in her place, horrified as she stared directly at his face. His eyes were wide and filled with fear, his mouth trying desperately to receive any sort of oxygen. Finally, he collapsed and slumped onto the ground, no external injuries at all. As Kabuto checked the man for a pulse, Kyra stared at her hands in disgust and resentment.

She was forced to continue training with Kabuto whenever they demanded it. She couldn't say anything. No matter how much she detested the fact that she was beginning to become a weapon- no matter how much she just wanted to revolt and strangle both Orochimaru and the bastard Kabuto- she couldn't. Every single time she stepped out of line, they would threaten her by bringing up Sasuke...

And that man terrified her the most.

She never wanted to go through what she had gone through in his genjutsu again.

That as well as the fact she was terrified of what he'd to do her if he were to see her after everything that had happened.

Still, training in using her chakra did have its benefits. They were right- the more she used her powers in combat, the easier it would be on her body. No dull headaches, no nosebleeds, no faintness- it was like endurance training. 

"He has a faint pulse," Kabuto stated, but lacked his usual mocking tone. "Every time you battle, you get closer and closer to killing people."

Kyra visibly grimaced at that. She hated that fact; the fact that she was being groomed to become a murderer against her will.

Kabuto sighed and motioned for someone to take the unconscious man for a healing session. He then left without saying a word, entrusting another person to take Kyra back to her cage, something she found shocking. He was always insistent on being the one to escort Kyra, seeing as he trusted close to nobody to look after her goddess child self. He was always tense to begin with, but more so nowadays. Whenever he'd talk, he'd make it short and quick. He rarely mocked her any more, and as a result, Kyra found herself retracting on sassy jabs as well. The both of them seemed to be in a rut of sorts, the only thing is, Kyra couldn't understand why he was getting so stressed.

They finally arrived and Kyra already found herself bored out of her mind. The time alone, though she spent majority of it sleeping, also gave her time to think and comprehend everything that had happened so far.

Thinking back to the most prominent thing: Sasuke's genjutsu and her ability to hijack it, per say. To this day, she still had no idea of how that happened. She was lost as to why she was able to hijack a genjutsu in the first place, nor how she found a specific memory from Sasuke's childhood that he was apparently very sensitive to. That entire experience was something she had never gone through before, but it did instill doubts into her mind.

Orochimaru may have been crazy, but perhaps he wasn't wrong. If there was even the slightest truth pertaining to Kyra in his words, it could quite possibly be that she actually was the Goddess Child she's heard about. She never thought about it that deeply and wrote it off as impossible...but then again, she was sent to a foreign world completely different than her mundane one. Half a year ago, she would have never thought that inter dimensional travel was even possible...but here she was now, in the cell of a psychopath who wants to use her powers for his own advantage. It's still very hard to believe, despite her living the situation right then. 

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