Part II Chapter XIII

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His long black hair was tied up in a low pony tail, a few strands escaping in the front to frame his perfectly shaped face. He kept his dark onyx eyes facing downwards as he knelt among the four figures within the dimly lit room. Upon closer inspection, the look of trouble on his face was there. It was very well hidden, but nonetheless, it was still present as one of the four figures spoke.

Words were jumbled together and unclear. Gibberish came from the only other identifiable man in the room. He was an old man with a withering expression and an ever present frown on his face. One of his eyes were covered in bandages, and another key feature was that one of his arms were slung in a cast.

The room rippled away and was replaced with the same boy and the same old man, standing face to face in the dark of the night at an old, deserted stone structure. Their lips moved, but she could hear no words this time. 

Once again, the scene melted away to be replaced by the same boy, his dark silhouette seated atop a tall metal pole. The moon was especially bright then, but even so, the brightest illuminations came from the boy's blazing red eyes.

Kyra shuddered in remembrance of the vision she had just woken up from. It was the same one as always, the exact same scenes and same figures, and yet it all seemed to be getting clearer and more vivid. She was beginning to pinpoint certain details that she hadn't seen before, but there was one thing that stuck out to her that haunted her thoughts.

She was sure that the boy she was seeing was Sasuke's brother.

Itachi Uchiha.

He was a man she had seen only once- and this was during a flashback she had gotten whilst stuck in Sasuke's genjutsu. He was young then, but in her own vision he was slightly older, maybe around twelve or thirteen. Why she was seeing him in the first place, she had no idea, but it begged the question that she's currently debating. Now, as she leaned over the bathroom sink while blood dripped down her nose, she could only focus on one thing.

Should she tell Sasuke?

"What am I saying?" The words slipped out of her mouth with an incredulous tone. Sasuke was still recovering from the fight with those Akatsuki. She'd only worry him more if she'd tell him of some vision she was having of his brother.

Not to mention he'd also pester her about learning more, probably wanting to get as much information as he could out of her experiences. It's not as if she understood them herself- for all she knew, she could just be hallucinating everything and none of those events occurred at all.

She'd keep quiet until she gets more details.

Kyra slipped out of the bathroom after taking care of the side effects she'd obtained and immediately knelt beside Sasuke. Her hands made their way to unravel the bandages that kept his injuries contained and soon after began healing them up, just as she had done to herself. Suigetsu and Jugo had a lot of questions when they had seen that, but it was nothing a quick explanation couldn't fix.

As soon as Sasuke's healed, he'd want to continue moving. Even more so, considering this specific information gathering trip actually provided some good insight as to where the Akatsuki may be. Jugo got his hands on a few of their hideout locations. After their rumble with that one Akatsuki member, she wasn't sure she'd want to walk right into their base, but if it's what Sasuke wanted, then she'd have to support him either way. She just hoped to God that she wouldn't die in the process, or worse yet, be taken prisoner to be used in their whole world domination quest.

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