Part I Chapter I

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The classroom cooed out loud as Edward and Bella shared their first kiss as a married couple. Most people were in tears. Some were asleep, and some rolled their eyes.

Kyra Williams wasn't even paying attention. Her focus wasn't on the projection of Breaking Dawn on the wall, nor was it on their teacher, Mrs. Bradbury, sneakily eating her fifth bag of chips under her table, nor the rat scurrying across their dirty classroom floor. She was instead staring out of the window right next to her, but not at the sky. She kept her gaze on the parking lot about two stories down, where she could see a group of kids clearly skipping school, yet the school officials couldn't care less. Hell, she bet the teachers would skip with them if they could.

It was times like this where Kyra wondered just where humanity went wrong for them to live such a mundane, corrupt, boring and repetitive life. A life where the weak are picked off one by one by the more fortunate; a world where if you couldn't walk in heels, you might as well not walk at all. She questioned this logic.

Why would we fight so harshly against one another when we could easily learn to love and let go? Give kindness to get kindness, her grandmother always said. It wasn't as easy for Kyra's mother to learn, but Kyra learned from her mother's mistakes anyways.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Kyra turned to her best friend, Lilly. She was pretty. Voluminous blonde curls, bright crystal blue eyes, and a nice figure. The girl had it all, except for a good attitude. She was quite sour at times, but that's what Kyra liked about her.

Her own attitude rivaled that of Lilly.

"Sorry, your blabber mouth burst my ear drums," Kyra said with a slight laugh. Lilly scoffed and punched Kyra's shoulders.

"Very funny. Look, I said there's a party at my house for the senior class-"

"Another one? Isn't this the fifth one this month?"

"Yes, but that's not the point. This party is going to be filled with kids from other schools. We need to make a good impression, so swing by early to help me and Jen set up."

"Yeah, I got it."

The bell conveniently rung at that moment.

"Seriously, Ky." Lilly ruffled up the other girl's brown locks. "You need to stop daydreaming as if Prince Charming is coming to save you. Learn to be happy yourself than to rely on other people to give it to you."

Kyra smiled to herself as Lilly left the class. The blonde's words continued to ring throughout Kyra's head as she made her way to the after school cafeteria club, grabbing a few bucks from her pocket and using it to buy a simple sandwich.

A loud clatter resonated the halls as someone dropped a rather large pile of books on the ground. Kyra quickly helped pick them up, handing them to the poor student she had never seen before. She must be a freshman.

"Thank you." She smiled kindly, Kyra smiling back at her. She continued her way out of the school smoothly until she tripped over seemingly nothing.

"Shit." She cursed as she stared at half her sandwich scattered across the parking lot ground. She sighed and brought out the keys to her old worn out sedan, keeping the remaining half of her sandwich in a secure grip. Right as she was about to turn the key to the ignition, a light sound caught her attention. Glancing out her window, she saw a young stray puppy clawing at an empty can. Kyra frowned as her heart ached for the poor dog, not even a year old and yet already suffering in this cruel world.

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