Part II Chapter IX

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A sour taste became more and more noticeable in her mouth, waking her from her slumber. The next thing she noticed was how dry her throat and lips were, and the last thing she felt was the unbearably cold object on her forehead.

Kyra's hands reached up to touch the object only to reel back in slight unexpected shock. It was wet and very cold. Despite that, the rest of her body felt hot like the desert sands. Did she have a fever?

The more she became aware of her own body, the more aware she was of her surroundings. She lay on the ground in her own sleeping bag placed not so far, yet not so close to the campfire burning to provide light inside the dark and musty building she was in. Everyone around her was asleep, scattered in the small room. They were on dirt ground in a worn looking stone structure, definitely still within Rapture Ruins. Based on the position of the moon and the amount of moonlight spreading in through the broken window, it was still late into the evening when she woke. It seemed she had a habit of waking up at the darkest of hours.

Kyra couldn't remember when she fell asleep. What happened again? Oh, that was right. She had just exited the temple and began climbing down the stairs when an excruciating headache forced its way into her head. Nothing like she hadn't experienced before, so passing out was expected. That was a particularly bad episode however.

"The more you try, the more I'll stop you, girl."

Kyra groaned when she felt an incoming pounding returning again after remembering those words. The threat that had been spoken in her ears was so unbearably loud when she first heard it, she couldn't help but scream. No wonder her throat was so dry.

She had an idea and tried to force herself up from her position to steal some water from Suigetsu that he was sure to have. Her entire being froze when a weight became unbearably clear that rested on her lower stomach. It wasn't that heavy but it was still foreign. Her eyes traveled from the resting hand, up the outstretched arm, and lastly to the figure that everything was connected to resting in a deep sleep.

Sasuke was sitting hunched over, his arm and hand laying unconsciously on her, and his shoulders rose and fell in barely noticeable movements. His lips were slightly open, letting out small puffs of air as he relaxed more and more. In his other hand was another towel, probably for her as well.

Kyra's eyes widened in shock at the realization. Had he taken care of her while she was asleep?

That was definitely odd. Sasuke Uchiha did not have that much regard for other people, much less actively take care of Kyra while she was passed out with a mere fever. A burning sensation in her throat interrupted her thoughts and she was once again painfully reminded at the fact she needed water in her system as soon as possible. She successfully managed to move Sasuke's arm and she walked over to Suigetsu. The water she took from his jug he always somehow kept filled felt like heaven sliding down through her body, a sickly sweet substance coating her sore throat.

A cold breeze drifted into the stone structure they were in and her eyes traveled back to Sasuke whom was still hunched over her sleeping bag. Unlike the rest of her teammates, he didn't have his own bag rolled out nor a mere blanket to keep him warm. The only thing providing some heat was the already dying fire placed a bit farther away from him. His head seemed to dip forward momentarily before he unconsciously fixed himself back upright.

Kyra laughed slightly through her nose. "You're gonna fall over if you keep that up, Uchiha."

She walked over to his figure and eyed him with confusion and curiosity. The last time she checked, Sasuke never went out of his way to take care of his own teammates, much less her of all people. The fact he had stayed by her side while she was asleep instilled shock in her, but perhaps he had accidentally fallen asleep in that position. Something told her that wasn't right, but she couldn't deny the fact that Sasuke was still an arrogant, condescending, emotionless man who's consumed by his own selfish goals.

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