Part I Chapter XI

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The first thing she felt was the intense need to quench her dry throat.

It woke her up, first slowly, then it hit her like a ton of bricks.

She was in a hospital room, a rather small one too. To the right of her bed were large windows that were slightly open for some cooling air flow. She could see the familiar sight of the Leaf Village buildings. To her left, a small bedside table where a pitcher and a cup rested right next to the IV drip connected to her arm. The sight of water made her muster up whatever strength she could and she did her best to lift herself up to grab at the cup.

It didn't work. Whatever strength she had completely diminished the second she shifted in her bed. Her limbs shook and she had to take large breaths as if she just ran a marathon. Why the hell was she so exhausted?

Kyra flinched in pain when a headache crept its way into her head right behind her eyes. She felt a dribble down her lips and she wiped it away, her hand now stained red.

"Great." She kept panting. Just what the hell happened?

The last thing she remembered...was the fight on the hill. Her eyesight was blurry...when did it end? What happened after Tenten-


That's right! Tenten was going to be killed!

Kyra forced herself to sit up. She had to find Tenten; she had to make sure she was okay. Kyra leaned on the IV drip for support and wheeled her way across the room, but she was far too weak to even make it far. She collapsed with a loud clang, grunting out in pain when she landed on the cold floor. Clamoring was heard afterwards as well as rushing footsteps. A door was opened roughly and gasps were heard.

"Oh dear!"

Kyra was suddenly forced upright and lifted into her bed by two female nurses.

"You shouldn't have moved!" One woman scolded. "You're still recovering!"

"Saya, how about you go and send word to her guardian? He's been asking when she'd wake up."

The scolding nurse paused and nodded, leaving the room while warning Kyra once again not to move.

"I'm sorry about her, she gets really worked up when patients don't follow our advice," the other woman said. She smiled kindly and readjusted Kyra's pillow so that she was more comfortable.

"Why am I in a hospital?" Kyra questioned. "I thought...I thought I was fighting."

"You were, definitely," the nurse said. "I don't have all the details hun, I'm just following my orders on making sure you're okay. Since you're finally awake, let's check up on you."

As the nurse conducted her check up, Kyra continued to bite her lip in anticipation. "Is my team here too?"

The nurse raised a fine eyebrow. "You mean the other people that were brought in with you? They left the day they came in, five days ago."

Kyra gulped down a lump in her throat. Was she really out for that long? "A-And they were all there? Including the other female member?"

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