Part II Chapter IV

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Time went by so slowly for Kyra.

For her, it was a constant struggle to keep track of the days and the times of those days. All she did nearly every day was lay down on the blanket they had given her to put some separation between her body and the cold dirt floor of her small cramped cage. A small portion of her blanket was torn off and she used that to keep her food off of the ground in an attempt to prolong its life. She never knew when's the next time she'd be eating after all. Her lack of food also explained why she rarely ever used the bucket they provided her in the far corner behind her. Still, the thought of secreting any bodily thing inside a bucket was disgusting to her anyways.

They didn't always treat her like this. After her initial beating, she spent her time recovering in an actual bedroom. However, when they pulled her away to the practice room for the very first time, she wasn't exactly a saint. Kabuto did everything in his power to make sure she'd constantly suffer for what she'd done that day.

How long ago was that day anyways? She couldn't remember. It was quite a few sleeps ago. That was the only thing she could do to tell time, really. She slept whenever she thought she should. No sunlight poured into her cage for her to tell, so it was constantly dark and cold, and not to mention damp. The constant sound of water dripping from the cracked ceiling was really the only thing keeping her from going insane.

Light streamed into Kyra's eyes from her place on the floor and she squinted harshly as it burned. Her heartbeat quickened when Kabuto walked in and she knew exactly what was happening. His distaste for her was clear as he held an irritated look on his face while unlocking her kennel.

"Let's go."

Kyra didn't comply, partly to piss him off, but also because she lacked the energy to do so. Kabuto, as she had expected, got angry and marched into her cage. Kyra smirked when his foot sunk into a mushy brown substance. He paused and grimaced in disgust.

"You really do know how to piss me off," was all he said before he took his foot off of what seemed like actual shit and rubbed it away on the ground. Kyra, satisfied with getting back at him in that little prank, finally sat up and stretched. From his point of view, Kabuto could clearly see how her dirty and torn shirt lifted to show off her sunken stomach. Her arms and legs grew significantly thinner, nearing the point of looking sickly, and he noted to give her something nutritional for her next feeding.

The two walked their familiar route toward the training room. Kyra's eyes remained on Kabuto's back, the latter making sure to remain on his toes in case she pulled something again, as that prank earlier wasn't the first time. When they arrived, Kyra's eyes immediately zeroed in on the muscular specimen in the center of the room. His body held massive scars upon scars on his muscular arms and legs. His entire body just screamed body builder, only it was building up to the point of being unnatural. She could barely see his head with all that mass.

This one would be a tough opponent to beat. She had to come up with something even more creative than usual.

Kabuto spoke in his usual distasteful tone. "You know what to do. I want to see something this time. Lord Orochimaru is beginning to get impatient, so you must use your powers today. I've pit you against our strongest test subject, so you have no choice but to use them now."

Kyra rolled her eyes and began stretching. "We'll see about that."

It was always like this. Kabuto warning her, Kyra stepping into the ring, and then her finding any and every way to beat her opponent without using any sort of power. It was her way of retaliating. She wanted to make it clear that she'd in no way be used as a weapon for their selfish reasons, no matter how much they beat her down.

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