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Words were thrown around the meeting hall. Some were calm, while some were full of anger and spite. Lightning crackled around the room, bursts of red light flashed every now and then. The ground quaked, and it was at this moment where a heavy commanding voice boomed across the hall.

The Gods quieted down as their Supreme God, leader of all Gods, rose in his seat. He was a man of great stature- strong jaw, golden flowing hair, and piercing yellow eyes. He was their father, their savior.

"My children," he began to speak. "Let us not fight over these matters, but rather find a way to solve them. We are Gods- it is our job just not to oversee our realms, but to also maintain the natural equilibrium our universe is delicately placed upon. Now, let us start over. The matter of this meeting: updates on everyone's realm. Start, young Surge, God of the Water."

A man stood. He was quite lanky, nothing fairly interesting about him except for his bright, shining blue eyes. If only he cared enough to keep his seemingly constant damp brown hair out of them, then everyone wouldn't see him as an apprentice God.

"My realm is ever growing nowadays, what with the ice glaciers melting nearly everywhere. The seas of every realm are vastly different, but the balance of their water to nature ratio remains the same as the last time we met. I did happen to discover a new species, however. I call it-"

A woman groaned loudly, interrupting Surge. Her dark, maroon hair flowed around her, and as she grew more irritated, it began to glow more and more, turning into a voluptuous bundle of fiery red. Vex, Goddess of Aggravation, and realm leader of the World of the Burned.

"No one wants to hear another one of your made up creatures, Surge," she said with bitterness. Surge rolled his eyes and slumped back down in his seat. Vex stood up and smirked, her flaming hair calming down significantly.

"The Burned are doing just great," she spoke. "They're eternally damned for their hellish actions. I've arranged to hold a meeting with the new ones. Ha, they think Hades is the God of the Underworld. After meeting me, they'll wish he was actually real."

"You forget that your influence on the people of all realms cause them to commit these acts of so called treason, Vex," the Supreme God spoke. He sighed in exhaustion at Vex's antics. Her ways of seeking out the damned were not ways he'd approve of, but they were effective nonetheless. She'd hang around their world for a few days, her mere presence instilling a small amount of aggravation and insanity in their brains. If they couldn't handle it, they'd commit horrible acts of humanity, to which Vex then comes in and transfers them to the World of the Burned. However, she still abides by the one law one must never break: to never force your own personal agenda onto an individual for your own gain.

That law is absolute. Nobody dares to break it, for the consequences are far too great.

"That's all for now Vex," the Supreme God said. He turned to his left, and at the way end of the table, sat his favorite realm leader. "Epoch...shall you go next?"

Epoch was the second oldest of his children, yet was considered a prodigy at a very young age. She took after him in looks- flowing golden hair, fair completion, and golden eyes. Not only that, she also took after him when it came to ruling over the Realms.

"I noticed there were a few new Gods here. Firstly, welcome, new brothers and sisters." Her voice, while it was velvety and smooth, held an air of worry. "My name is Epoch, Goddess of Time. I have horrible news to report about the Realm of Mortals."

She paused to compose herself, the news she was about to report causing her to choke up. "My in a terrible state which the likes of which have never been seen before."

Child of the GoddessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora