Part III Chapter IX

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In all honesty, the complete chaos evoked by the spectacular arrival of Epoch was somewhat humorous. That was probably extremely wrong to think, but to make things fair, Kyra was pretty much insane at this point. 

So when the surrounding shinobi bared their weapons, readied their attacks, and stood on guard at the sight of the god-like entity practically hovering a few feet above the ground right in front of them, Kyra couldn't help but snort in laughter. It caused quite some dirty looks to be sent her way, surprisingly. 

"Who are you?" Tsunade stepped forward to interrogate, lips pulled in a hardly threatening snarl in comparison to the godly entity beholding them. "State your business!"

Kyra should have expected it, but Epoch's reaction only made things even more hilarious. Instead of responding to the obviously aggressive behavior, the Goddess merely smiled fondly at Tsunade. It unnerved the shinobi that were readying themselves in case of another attack. 

"I'm not your enemy, my dear children." Epoch's silk-like voice rang throughout the battlefield. A few tears gathered in her eyes. "I am so've been saved."

"What are you on about? Explain yourself. Surely you'd understand if we're all on guard as we just came out of a war."

Kyra snapped. 

"Pffft...HAHA!" She quieted down when Sasuke gave the back of her head a light slap. Sobering up quickly, she stood straight and gestured to the floating entity. "Guys, there's no need to worry. This woman here is a friend."

"Would you care to explain, Kyra?" Tsunade asked, more so demanded. 

"Lord First," Kyra spoke with a knowing smile. "Surely you recognize her?"

Hashirama was already gazing up at the goddess in slight wonder. Slowly, his eyes lit up in recognition and he jabbed a finger in her direction. "It's you! The woman who visited me-"

"-in your dream," Epoch finished with a confirming nod. "Quite a few years back, so my time manipulation powers came in handy."

Itachi's head perked up, him being the first to catch on. "Time?"

"Yup," Kyra answered with a gleeful smile. "Time. Hey, Ms. Goddess, why don't you introduce yourself to these people? They're a bit stressed with your sudden arrival."

"Oh." A sheepish expression passed over her face. She had forgotten that amongst the people of the living, her very existence was uncommon. "Very well."

Epoch's hands slowly drifted upward until they cupped at her chest. Her movements were precise and graceful, too perfect to be the movements of a mere mortal. With a warm, gentle smile on her lips, she softly spoke as her body glowed a slight golden hue. 

"My name is Epoch, the Goddess of Time and overseer of the Realm of Mortals."

Epoch's introduction was followed by multiple shocked gasps and exclamations. While it was true that Kyra's powers were definitely a mystery, they had in no way expected that there would be an entity that was an actual Goddess.

She continued. "I am the one responsible for Kyra's transfer to this world. I'd given her a small percentage of my powers and left her with one mission: to save this world of its horrible fate."

Kyra nodded and spoke, adding on to what Epoch was saying. "In reality, when Epoch would look into the future of this world, it would actually have been destroyed as a result of this war. If Epoch hadn't sent someone to change the tides, then Madara would have won."

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