Part II Chapter XII

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She saw it.

It was the exact same as before, only more vivid.

Everything was getting clearer by the second, yet she still had a hard time pinning the details down exactly. The once blurry figure, now identifiable, knelt in front of a long desk within a dark room lit only by candle light. Of the four figures sitting at the table, only one was clear for her to see. An older man, someone who had definitely seen his time, with his arm slung in a cast practically useless to him.

As the kneeling boy lifted his head, she saw just enough of his piercing glowing red eyes before the scene shifted to another one she was familiar with. The same boy and the crippled man, facing each other in a secluded area, and the man's one good eye glared at the boy as if he were dirt beneath his sandals.

Then, a silhouette stood on a post as the bright light of the full moon shone upon the world below him.

Everything stopped.

She woke up, but it was too late.

A gasp escaped her lips.

She recognized the boy.


"A gift from the one who sent you here that will be opened only when the time is right...her name is Epoch, and she's the Goddess of Time. Use that dumb brain of yours to figure out the rest."

He stood behind her, reading the letter partly because he was curious, but mainly because the girl in front of him could barely keep herself together. It'd be a miracle if she could even read in her state. Every moment that wasn't spent resting, she was groaning and unsuccessfully rubbing the hangover headache away. At this point, she was more annoying than when she'd be fully awake and useful.

He wasn't wrong, of course.

Kyra felt like complete and utter shit. Soon after she had awoken from the more vivid vision, memories of last night came crashing down into her like scenes from a movie that she so desperately wanted to un-watch. It didn't help that she had almost thrown up on Sasuke as he had come to wake her up that morning. Even after taking some medicine to help relieve the headache, she still felt gross and disgusting.

Nothing could top how completely embarrassed she was.

Despite her memories of last night being foggy for the most part, it just so happened the one part she wished she couldn't remember was the one she remembered so clearly. Her and Sasuke's intimate moment shared yesterday went unspoken between them, but it clearly meant something to him as he seemed to linger by her side more so than any time in their adventures before. She wished she could write it off as him just looking after her since she was clearly sick, but even that wasn't in his capacity of normal care. She couldn't deny it. In the span of less than a day, it was plain and obvious that he treated her differently.

She also couldn't deny the fact that deep down, she rather enjoyed his odd affection toward her.

"What do you think that means?" His voice cut through her daydreams like a beautifully crafted sword, so easily piercing straight into her body, and yet she was stunned by his sheer magnificence that she simply let him in with a moment of weakness.

Kyra shook herself from her silly thoughts and held up the necklace that came from inside the envelope. A simple silver chain attached to a small and dainty circular charm. It wasn't grand, and if anything, she couldn't sense any god-like thing about it. As she reached up to fasten the clasps behind her neck, she bitterly spoke. "It means I'm being sent on yet another goose chase. What is it with these Gods and giving out such vague information?"

Child of the GoddessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora