Part I Chapter VI

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"Pretty please?"

"You think just because you make a please pretty, I'll say yes?"


"Then yes."



Kyra huffed and slumped down on their living room couch. It had already been a few weeks since coming to the village, and ever since she had heard Kakashi's speech to his team, she had been bugging him to let her become a shinobi. Needless to say, things weren't going too well. In his eyes, he still thought of her as a potential threat, though the two of them had been getting used to each other. They had to, after all. They did nearly everything together.

"Then will you at least let me stay home?"

"Nope. Get ready, we're leaving soon."

Kyra groaned and made her way off to her room, carelessly throwing on a decent outfit she had gotten from Kakashi. She followed him out of the house, nearly dragging herself in exhaustion as they made their way to Mrs. Chi's house, their client for the day. It was another day of playing gardener for Kakashi's team, and for Kyra, another day of watching in complete boredom.

Naruto and Sakura were lounging around the front of the elderly woman's house, both nearly falling asleep. It was early in the morning, after all.

"Hey!" Naruto yelled out as soon as he caught sight of Kakashi and Kyra. Sakura's eyes nearly bugged out of her sockets. "You're..not late?"

Kyra rolled her eyes and grumpily sat down on the porch steps. "You're lucky I woke him up before noon. The faster we get this mission done, the faster I get to go back to the house and sleep."

"Bum," Kakashi commented, to which Kyra glared at him.

"Well, I would help you guys with missions like these, but someone refuses whenever I offer."

Sakura smiled uncomfortably and stepped forward. She did not want to deal with another one of Kyra's fights with Kakashi, which was more so her complaining and him retorting to anger her more. She only knew the girl for 4 weeks and was already very much aware of how stubborn she could get.

"Sensei, maybe just this once, you could let her help? It's just pulling weeds."

"Yeah." Naruto nodded and slapped a hand on Kyra's shoulder. "Kai-chan always watches us, eats, and sleeps whenever she follows us along. If she keeps going this route, she'll get even fatter!"

Kyra slapped Naruto's hand away from her shoulder and punched him as hard as she could, the blond laughing at her. He somehow found it funny to anger her like that.

"For your information, I can't gain any weight. My metabolism absolutely prohibits it."

"Guys," Kakashi said with a sigh. "I told you before. Kyra isn't a shinobi, and it's against the rules to let someone on probation participate in any sort of shinobi missions."

"But can't you just bend them a little?" Kyra begged. She propped her elbows on her knees and supported her head on her hands. Her lips were morphed into a frown of displeasure. "It's not like anyone would know."

"I would," Kakashi replied. "This matter is closed. Come on you two, let's get started. Kyra, if you truly want to do something, keep Mrs. Chi company."

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