Part III Chapter I

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She paced back and forth, a multitude of emotions overflowing from within as they ate away at her. Anxiety flowed throughout her veins as she paced around the Akatsuki hideout. Even her teammates were staring at her in concern. How could she not be? After all, the masked man- who as it turns out was none other than the Madara Uchiha- that she was certain had died in Deidara's blast turned out to be the one pulling the strings in the criminal group. Not only that, but he had also taken Sasuke's unconscious body into a locked room, hidden away from her. Of course, she tried to enter, but the plant man named Zetsu stopped her.

The one thought raging in her mind was that she needed to see Sasuke. She needed to tell him that Itachi was alive- that he didn't need to worry about his older brother. The only thing keeping her from doing that was Madara. The risk of telling Sasuke what she knows with anyone from the Akatsuki around was too great. Who knows what would happen if the leader of the Akatsuki were to find out Itachi were still alive? They would do anything and everything to find him first and surely kill him, then all her effort would've been for naught.

She also wished to see him simply to make sure he was okay. The worry over his condition ate away at her as well as the sudden realization that had occurred only a few hours prior. Even as she thought back to her intense vision and the whole reason why she saved Itachi in the first place, all her thoughts were directed back to Sasuke.

It hit her like a ton of bricks.

She had feelings for Sasuke, and they were intense.

Chris be damned. There was no way she'd be leaving Sasuke alone during this time. She cared about him too much to even think about it. No, she no longer cared about her stupid ex that always seemed to wiggle his way into the back of her mind. If she were feeling these emotions, then fuck it. She'd try her hardest to save Sasuke just as he had always saved her.

"Is she all right?" The one that spoke was the man whose features resembled that of a shark. He pointed at Kyra's frantic form as Suigestu shrugged.

"Who knows? All I know was that she and Sasuke seem to have something going on, so she's just really worried."

"They have nothing!" Karin screeched at Suigetsu, attempting to punch him though her fist only went straight through his head of water. "Bastard! Idiot!"

Kyra rolled her eyes at the redhead and opted to sit on the couch to at least try to stop moving. However, the second she sat down, Madara entered the room and she stood right back up. He looked at her directly through his singular eye hole.

"He's asking for you." The man's voice was so unbelievably deep and completely unfamiliar that she was momentarily stunned. Then his words registered in her mind and she immediately made haste into the room that Sasuke was inside, not even hesitating in opening the door and closing it right away, locking it for safety.

"Sasuke." Her voice was breathy, relief seeping through the single word spoken. A weight lifted off of her chest knowing he was awake, but her worry returned tenfold at the sight of him.

He leaned up against the stone walls with a blank expression staring at the ceiling. It was dark in the room, the only light provided being a single candle casting shadows on his pale face. His eyes, seemingly paler than usual, drifted over to her rigid form. She saw nothing in them, not even the least bit of emotion. He was in complete shock.

Her feet padded over to his form slowly and she hesitantly pulled aside his shirt a little bit to start healing his injuries. The thoughts flowing throughout her mind halted at seeing him so vulnerable. All she could focus on was him.

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