The legs of a wooden chair landed on Enzo's back, cracking his shoulder in the process and causing him to scream. Gwen threw the same chair across his face and Enzo immediately released my neck while he fell to the floor with blood rushing out his broken nose. I began gasping for air to fill my lungs and coughing uncontrollably. My legs vibrating as I recovered from the shock of almost losing my life.

"You stupid bitch." Enzo lifted himself up and planted a ruthless slap on her face and she crushed on the wall, hitting her forehead terribly. His broken shoulder was bleeding but he completely ignored it, going after Gwen furiously.

I managed to get up from the floor, and before Enzo could even hit her again, I grabbed a vase from a table just inches away from me and crushed it on his head. Enzo spiralled from us, struggling to keep his balance as blood gashed out his skull. He groaned in pain.

Gwen removed a knife from inside her boot and I couldn't believe it. "Where did you get that?" I held her back from lanching at him before she got herself killed.

"Let me go." She ranted in anger while forcefully pushing me away from her. I doubled back , not expecting her to shove me. I couldn't even recognize her as pure fury rippled from her. Gwen ran towards Enzo with that weapon in her hand and I instantly rushed to keep her down the second I saw Enzo remove his gun and fire it in her direction but missed the shot.

"You children want to kill me now, is that right?" He fired his gun in the air. Blood was dripping from the back of his head, his shirt covered in red. His voice was foreign to me because we rarely heard him speak to us.

It's almost as though Gwen lost her mind, she struggled against me on the ground. Trying to release herself and go after Enzo who was trying to murder us. All her strength was being fired at me but I couldn't allow her to risk her life. "What's gotten into you? Stop this madness . He almost shot you."

Her forehead was bruised, starting to swell from when she hit the wall.

"Don't tell me what to do." She slapped me hard across the face.


"I'm tired of letting him walk all over us..." She was going to get herself butchered and I won't let that happen. I gave her one task, stay on the corner and don't move until Enzo is done but she wouldn't listen instead choosing to attack him with that chair, now he wants her dead. We've gone over this a million times. And she picked tonight to disobey me out of all those years. Why today? I had it under control. I was about to stab him myself and she had to interfere.

I groaned loudly when I felt a bullet enter the back of my thigh, unbearable Pain coursing through me that my mind hazed.. Gwen screamed ontop her lungs in pure bewilderment but Enzo fired his gun again. This time hitting my shoulder. I cried in horror, aching everywhere as my heart raced faster than my ability to breathe.

Without any thought Gwen threw her knife directly at him. I could barely see clearly because my vision was blurring again from the shock but I didn't miss seeing the weapon pierce Enzo's stomach. He dropped face forward to the floor, the knife diving inside him completely and protruding behind his back.

My guts emptied right then and there upon the sight, vomiting on the floor.

Gwen began to shiver... shaking as tears streamed down her face, realizing that she might have just murdered him. "I need you to calm down." I spoke against clenched teeth, trying to bare two gunshot wounds. if she panics again then her asthma will be triggered. Her eyes widened, staring at Enzo's body. Her breathing started to change. I looked around the room, searching for her inhaler. Where the fuck is it? ......

"I can't breathe...." She cried, grasping onto my arms strongly and causing more pain to go through my wounded shoulder. I groaned..... The pain was driving me insane.

I spotted the inhaler a few inches away and I used my safe arm to reach for it. I handed it to Gwen immediately and she began to use it.

"W-hat do we do Natha-n....? The g..guards will kill us once they find his b-body." She stammered......... Her gaze also landing on my leg and shoulder, tears on her cheeks. "I'll get the f-first aid kit-t. Don't move." She ran to the nursing room.

I knew he wasn't dead. There's no way a knife could kill him. I crawled all the way to his body. The gun was discarded on the floor just beside him and I took it. His eyes were open , looking at me and I doubled back again in shock for a second time that night.

But I didn't drop the gun, I gripped it tight.

"You grew thick horns boy. " His voice was hoarse and rusty from the pain.

I didn't say anything.

"The two of you have made the worst mistake of your life tonight going against me. I will not hesitate to kill you and that sister of yours."

He was covered in blood, the scene almost made me throw up again.

"Gwen is not my sister." I corrected.

He responded with his bitterness. "Your parents are weeping in their graves at your abomination. Stop thinking with your loins, grow up and be a man. Whether you like it or not, that girl is your sister. But which ever way you see it, you and her are both as good as dead when I get my hands on you."

An anger rippled inside my veins. Even at this state he still wants to inflict more damage. Kill us? For what?

I pointed the gun at him. I have seen him shot many times before to know exactly how it works. If Gwen didn't hesitate to throw her knife, despite all her virtues she was willing to put him down when she saw what he did to me, then I should finish the job. This must be done after everything he put us through, he deserves to die.

I saw it in his eyes, the fear when he realized what I was about to do to him. That dread will never compare to anything I and Gwen have felt because of his abuse. But seeing him that way, even for a mere second, soothed my wounded inner child, and for that little boy's sake, I pulled the trigger.

The bullet went straight through his skull.

My eyes locked with Gwen as she stood by the door. "You can now live with a clear conscious. I'm the murderer, not you.........."


Any thoughts??


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