Chapter 71

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Spencer collapsed in sobs as the realization hit her.

Her sister had been killed for helping them. John no longer had a wife. Jade no longer had a mother. Spencer no longer had a sister.

Emily appeared next to her, comforting Spencer. She waited for Toby's kind touch, but it never came. All that came was yet another text.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if you lost Toby, too? He's running out of time. 304 Easy Street. -A"

As hard as it was, Spencer peeled herself away from her lifeless sister, knowing that she had to save Toby. Ali had been there. Right behind Spencer and Emily as they found Melissa. They could've stopped her.

But now she had Toby, the one person Spencer could've live without. Her entire life was at that address. Spencer punched it into her navigation system and started springing in that direction, Emily following close behind.

They arrived at the address, to find a tent. They searched for any possible entry, but it looked very well sealed. Emily reached into her back pocket, retrieving a pocket knife.

She tore a slit through the fabric , allowing them entrance. Sure enough, Spencer saw the familiar eyes peering at her. Toby was tied to the pole holding the tent up, duct tape covering his mouth. Seeing him so helpless set something off within Spencer.

She began to cut through the rope that bound him to the pole, frantically trying to free him. In the midst of her panic, the knife slipped, cutting deeply into Toby's flesh.

"Oh my god," Emily remarked at the sight.

"I'm sorry," Spencer squealed at Toby through her tears, her panic beginning to get the best of her. She could no longer see clearly, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

Emily took the knife from her, calmly releasing Toby. He took Spencer into his embrace, soothing every raging emotion.

"Where is everyone else?" He whispered to Emily.

"Melissa is dead," she stuttered. "I don't know where Ezra and Travis are, the last time I heard from them was after you killed Wren."

"Then they're heading back to the house where Aria and Paige are. That was the plan if we got separated. I was told to find Spencer, probably just so Ali could kidnap me when Spencer found her sister." Toby explained.

Spencer had finally calmed down. She stepped outside the tent, only to come face to face with none other than Alison.

"So great that everything has gone according to plans, huh?" She sneered. "But that ends now. You're dead."

Another kicking and punching match ignited between the two, each desperate to end the other's life. Ali landed a swift punch to Spencer's stomach, sending her to the ground.

Spencer tasted blood in her mouth, and her vision was foggy. She knew she was dying. This was it. Ali won.

She vaguely heard Toby scream her name, but the only thing she saw was Ali's sinister smirk looming above her body. But she leaned to the side, allowing Spencer to see a few feet beyond Ali's figure.

There stood Hanna, a gun poised in her grip.

"I win! Give up! Spencer is dead!" Ali cackled.

"Not today, bitch," Hanna said, squeezing the trigger.

The last thing Spencer heard was the bang. And then her world went blank.

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