Chapter 13: All about Hanna

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November was a normal November. Thanksgiving alone. Staying inside to avoid the frigid air outside. Finishing books and endless cups of coffee in front of the fire.

But of course, other things sprung up that November. Expensive wedding bills. Reviewing locations for the ceremony. And worst of all, choosing bridesmaids.

Spencer knew she wanted her friends to be a part of the wedding, but she was reluctant to have them be standing beside her.

Despite their rocky relationship in high school, Emily seemed the only viable option for maid of honor. Put in the position, Aria would be her usual bitchy self, and Spencer wouldn't want to put that kind of pressure on Hanna.

She still hadn't recovered from Caleb's death. After moving to Colorado, she had taken to alcohol as her only method of escape. Escaping from the pain, heartbreak, and outside influences.

Luckily, she remained in close contact with Travis, her ex-boyfriend, in college. He obviously just wanted to keep her safe, from everything. So, naturally, he was the first Spencer called about Hanna's alcoholism.

He lived with hanna, convincing her to stop her dangerous habits. And although Hanna wouldn't admit, he helped ease the pain. Spencer couldn't help but notice that their relationship had evolved from "just friends". Subtle hints during get-togethers, meaningful glances across the dinner table and sleeping together in Spencer's guest room helped to solidify her hypothesis.

She was still coping with the loss of her soulmate, though, and Spencer knew better than to suggest rushing her relationship with Travis. She also knew that the former-diva wouldn't be up to the task of being a maid of honor.

So her choice was made. Melissa, Aria, Hanna, and Paige would be her bridesmaids. Toby had decided upon Ezra as his best man (presumably from lack of other options) and Travis, his friends Jacob and Daniel, and Mike Montgomery as his groomsmen.

Mike, deciding to get away from his parents, had escaped to Chicago last year. He was often invited to join the friends in their annual gatherings in Lake Geneva. He and Toby had bonded against all odds, and he had an unmistakable crush on Hanna.

So November passed with their wedding plans finalized. Which was great, considering the hellish winter ahead of them.

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