Chapter 88

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"Spence, you're doing it again."

Spencer snapped out of her Toby-induced-trance. "Hm?"

Toby laughed. "You're undressing me with your eyes. For like, the fifth time since we've been here."

They were sitting at a dark booth lot with candles at Tuscan, an Italian eatery in downtown Lake Geneva. Toby had insisted they go to lunch and shopping to get Spencer's mind off of things. Since she'd found out the gender of the baby, she had turned into a different person.




Obsess about the nursery, the delivery, and everything else.


Maybe it was a huge mistake to get this woman pregnant. Toby had tried endlessly to calm her down, but his wife insisted on making sure everything would be perfect before Abby came- in a little less than five months. And Toby wasn't even apart of her plans.

"Okay, let's try something. How about there are two topics that are off the table, work and the baby," Toby suggested.

"There are things we need to talk about, though," Spencer protested. "Like when are we going to shop for a crib, and dressers-"

Toby furrowed his brow. "Well, seeing that your husband is a carpenter..."

"Were you serious about wanting to build everything?" Spencer asked, taken aback.

"Yes, I was. And I was also serious about making you forget about the baby for the afternoon."

"In that case, let's look at the menu," Spencer sighed.

After three minutes of silence, Toby spoke up. "How about pasta Alfredo?"

Spencer shook her head. "No soft cheeses."

"Okay, spaghetti and shrimp?"

"No shellfish."

Finally, she had decided on a salad, one of the few things she could actually eat. After their order had been taken, Toby took her hands in his.

"Do you remember, 5 months ago, today, you and I were sitting at the No Name Pub, eating a pizza, and I was incredibly nervous about something, and then we got outside and I-"

"Proposed," Spencer finished. "Was it really that long ago?"

"Yeah, but so much has happened since then. Yet it does feel like only yesterday."

"Maybe it's because we never really did get that newlywed stage. We were too busy with A, and Hanna."

"And the baby," Toby added.

"I thought that was off the table?" Spencer laughed.

"It is," Toby whispered, leaning across the table to kiss his wife on the lips.


Short chapter because WRITERS BLOCK

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