Chapter 86

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As always, Spencer was greeted by Dr. Connor and sat down in her office. They checked her vitals and asked her questions about the pregnancy, just as they had every time before. But the moment Toby stepped into the room, the entire dynamic of the appointment changed.

Dr. Connor smiled upon Toby's entrance. "What an exciting day! Getting to find out the sex of your baby."

Spencer reached for Toby's hand, lacing her fingers through his own. "I feel like it's a boy," she said, grinning at her husband.

"It very well could be. You've heard of Mothers Intuition," Dr. Connor replied. "Well, if you're ready, I'll call in the sonographer in to start the ultrasound!"

A minute later, the sonographer entered the room and instructed Spencer to pull her shirt up. He applied the lubricant and started to move the transducer around on her stomach. A short moment later, they detected a large blob on the screen.

"And there she is," the technician announced, pointing to the screen.

Toby's eyes immediately lit up. "She?"

"Yup, there's baby girl Cavanaugh."

Even though Spencer was smiling ear to ear, she faked disappointment. "I was wrong!" She pouted.

Toby laughed in response, leaning over to kiss her on the lips. "Time to start picking names," he whispered.

"I already have a list," Spencer replied, her voice still quiet.

"Of course you do."

Their somewhat private conversation was interrupted by the clicking of Dr. Connor's pen. "Good news is any signs of damage have cleared up and you have a healthy baby girl on the way."

"Any bad news?" Spencer asked, her omnipresent sense of pessimism showing through.

"Nope! And you two are even cleared for sex."

"I've been waiting," Spencer giggled.

"You two are free to go. I'll see you in three weeks for your twenty week checkup!" Dr. Connor said.

Once they were in the car, Toby struck up a conversation with his overjoyed wife. "So I know you're a bit disappointed, but let's hear this list."

Spencer laughed. "I'm not disappointed at all. I'm just happy she's healthy. As for the list, I've memorized it. Anna, Abby, Natalie, Kelly, Sophie, Eva, Brooke, and Lindsey."

"Pick your top three, I wonder if we're on the same page. I have a few ideas, too."

Spencer thought for a minute before responding. "Abby, Sophie, and Brooke."

"I agree with Abby. I also liked Natalie and Lindsey," Toby explained as he pulled into the garage.

"We can discuss this more later," Spencer said as she walked into the house. "But there are other things at hand right now." With that, she grabbed Toby's hand and pulled him through the house, into their bedroom.

She stripped out of her jacket and untied her shoes with ease. Toby saw where this was heading, and took the cue to remove some of his own clothing. Moments later, they fell backward on the bed, their faces inches apart. Their lips were attached until Spencer pulled away.

"Do you remember after the Noel thing when you told me I would forget soon?"

"Yeah," Toby answered, slightly confused.

"You said you'd help me forget, like I did with Jenna," she said as she propped herself up on her elbows, still gazing down at Toby's bare chest.

"I did say that, didn't I?" He teased. "Well of course I will help you. It would be my pleasure."


This chapter is short and nasty but I'm sleep deprived so...

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