Chapter 47

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Kylie prided herself as Spencer's closest friend. Well, closest she'd made in Lake Geneva. Although they didn't hang out much aside from school- Kylie was extremely busy with her part time job at an insurance company-she and Spencer connected on such a personal level. They made a point of sitting together in every one of their business classes, went to lunch together every day they had morning and afternoon classes, and we're likely to have intense heart to hearts.

So here she sat beside Spencer, facing Brooke, Emma, and Claire at a small booth.

"How about a mimosa for the bride to be?" Kylie chanted as the waitress neared the table.

"I really don't think I should," Spencer said.

"Fine, then we'll enjoy them while you drink your boring coffee!" Insults and sarcastic comments were the base of their relationship, but it was all taken as a joke.

Claire chimed in," I'll partake!"

And hanging out with Spencer meant that Kylie was tight with her friends as well. They were the LG 5, as they called themselves- school friends and neighbors of Spencer's. She'd only met Spencer's other friends once but knew that the four had an unexplainable bond. She was still angry, however, that Emily's girlfriend was a bridesmaid and she wasn't. Well, Spencer had gone through a lot with Paige, too.

So she wasn't surprised when she saw Emily barge into the cafe halfway through their meal.

"Spencer Hastings!" She shrieked. "You need to be at the salon with your sister in ten minutes!"

"Spencer Cavanaugh," Spencer corrected.

"Yeah, well you won't be unless you get your ass to the salon to get ready!"

Spencer rolled her eyes and patted Kylie on the shoulder.

"I'll see you guys later," she cooed with a smile before hopping in Emily's car.

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