Chapter 109

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Spencer was glad she had taken advantage of the peace their honeymoon brought them, because as soon as it was over, their lives became as crazy as ever. They had begun packing up their house, which proved to be more stressful than they thought it would be. They were moving into their new house on February 12, less than two weeks away, and there was so much to do in the limited time the couple had off work.

In addition, their jobs had both gotten quite busier. Toby got home late every night and Spencer awoke early in the morning for early appointments. They rarely even saw each other anymore, deposits the fact that they were newlyweds.

Spencer walked into her house at six on Friday evening, ready to finish packing up their bathrooms. She was stressed out enough with work, and moving was the icing on top of the disaster. Usually, she was able to rely on Toby to keep her stress levels down, but she hadn't even talked to him in the past two days.

As soon as she got to the dining room, she found Toby sitting at the table, no longer in his work clothes, and with a bouquet of white roses in his hands. Spencer shot him a puzzled look before allowing him to stand and wrap his arms around her. They shared a quick kiss on the lips and Toby followed her into the bedroom.

"What do you want to do tonight after we finish the bathrooms?" Spencer asked as she changed out of her work clothes.

Toby, who was sitting on the bed, thought a moment before replying. "I was actually thinking we would grab dinner. Forget about packing and use the night to catch up."

She finished pulling on her leggings and turned to face her husband. "That sounds perfect. Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever. Do you have any ideas?" Toby said as he stepped closer to rub her shoulders.

Spencer thought for a minute before answering. "I've been craving Chinese. Tempura House?"

Toby leaned in and kissed her. "Sounds good."
Her husband had fallen asleep one episode into The Office, which Spencer had put in their bedroom DVD player once they'd gotten home. Dinner had gone exceptionally well, and Spencer was glad she had had the chance to reconnect with him. It had eased her stress levels and she felt genuinely happy, an effect only he had on her.

She clicked the off button and covered herself with the white duvet. As she cuddled into Toby's bare chest, she felt him subconsciously wrap his strong arm around her shoulders. She smiled, thinking of the past year. A year ago, she had just found out she was pregnant and was grieving the loss of her sister. She had gone through so much pain after miscarrying, but here she was. And that was something she was grateful for.
a/n: IM NOT DEAD! I just have no creativity and no ideas good enough to write a full chapter on. I'm trying though, guys, promise.

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