Chapter 69

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Hanna wasted no time in lunging at Cece, her anger no longer controllable. But Cece countered the attack, leaving Hanna on the ground. Spencer took her place as Emily helped the wounded blonde off the ground.

Leaving trampled corn stocks in their path, Cece was now being chased by a livid Spencer back toward the property. Hanna and Emily followed. Spencer tripped backward over a branch, giving Cece time to get further away. But jumping on the three wheeler from the shed, Hanna raced after her.

It didn't take her time to catch up to Cece, and Hanna didn't mind that her friends were now thousands of feet behind. The only thing Hanna was focused on now was killing Cece.

But Cece got her first. Pinning her to the ground, Cece wrapped her fingers around Hanna's neck. Face turning white, Hanna struggled underneath. It wasn't until she saw a cop car turning the corner that she had hope.

She assumed it was Melissas husband, who was looking after the girls that day, but she was proven wrong when Mike Montgomery jumped out of the car. He raced toward Hanna, prying Cece off of her.

"Run," he mouthed, and Hanna obeyed.

She stumbled from the lack of oxygen, but managed to keep going. She looked back once.

Mike slammed Cece onto the black pavement of the road, and once was enough. Cece was dead.

He ran to Hanna, who's vision was becoming spotty. The last thing she remembered was being loaded into the cop car, and Mike speeding away.

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