READ ME - Improtant Message

596 20 4

Ok, this isn't an update but it's a matter that needs to be addressed!
Again with the copyright issue...
But it's not someone that's copyrighted me or that I've copyrighted them, it's a few people making it out like I've copied them or they've copied me!
I'm not going to mention names but I will mention Fluffersnaps
A lot of people have been messaging me in private saying:
~ You know Fluffersnaps she actually is copying you with your ideas
~ I wanna report Fluffersnaps for stealing your ideas and copyright
~ I thought you were against copyright, yet it seems your stealing Fluffersnaps ideas!!

Idk why but Fluffersnaps and I have just been having the same ideas lately.
No one has copied anyone's ideas and we have both agreed that it's just purely coincidental!
Please stop with the Fluffersnaps stuff because it's not true!

But, if you do happen to come across a copyright of my story or anyone else's, please inform the author, it's much appreciated.

Steps taken against copyright are:
1 - I will be informed as to who copyrighted and which story
2 - I will confront them through Private Message asking them to 'Remove the chapters/paragraphs/part of the story that contains copyrighted content' (but not the whole thing)
3 - If you take it down the matter will be resolved and no further action will be taken.
4 - If you choose to ignore my warnings/requests (I send a total of three warnings before I take action) Or you reply rudely and refuse to remove the content, I will report you for copyright.
5 - If you still don't take down the work after I've reported you, your account or story can be removed by WattPad.
(I don't want to seem too mean/serious but copyright is a very important matter)

Thankyou for your time guys!
Remember ~ WattPad is a magical world, don't ruin it with darkness :P
Xoxo Butterflybunnie 💟

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