30 - Be With You

597 31 14

***Astrid's POV***
"Lights Out!" Yells Eret.
Eret is one of the meanest guards here, constantly hitting, dragging and spitting at you. He has this look, like he enjoys the pain of others. I turn my light off quickly, making sure not to get into more trouble. I had two fingers broken for speaking back to Eret already, I don't want anymore pain. I look through the window to Ariels block, her lights off. I can just make out her silhouette waving goodnight. I wave back and look down the hall. The light is on in number 8. Eret has his back turned, scouting the other cells. I try getting 8's attention. "Eight! Turn of your light" I whisper, waving at her.
She just sits on her bed, starring at a photograph, lost in thought. I try again but it's too late, Erets already angrily marching towards cell 8. He swings the door open and started yelling "Did I not tell you five minutes ago, lights out?!" He yells.
Number eight - Allison - looks up confused "Huh?" I says.
Eret smirks playfully then grabs her by her hair dragging her into the hallway. He handcuffs her to Ariels door and kicks her in the stomach. "Fuckin bitch! You reply with respect and obey my orders!" He yells.
I shield my eyes from the gruesome punishment. I hear another boot hit flesh and cry for help from Allison. I remember when Eret tried to burn Alfie when I spoke back to him, and I see the photograph that Allison was holding just in reach under my door. I slip my fingers under the door and slide the photo into my hands, making sure Eret won't burn it. He delivers one last kick and stomps off back to his post. I sigh and place Allies photo under my bed. I lay there thinking about the family, how Hiccup must be so happy without me. How Aylias life will be so much better and how Valkyrie and Asher will never know their mother. The quick tap of boots on the floor comes down the hallway, stopping at my door. I look up curiously as Eret opens the door. Jasmine stands beside him, a concerned look on her face. She nods to Eret and he scowls at me. Jasmine approaches me and I sit up to attention. "Astrid... I - uh" she begins.
"What?" I ask, eager to know the answer.
"Hiccup was in a car crash, with your three children" she chokes out, holding her hand to her mouth as if to block herself from crying.
Uncontrollably I start crying. She puts an arm around me and hoists me up, handcuffing my hands. "Were going to the hospital so you can see them" she says with a smile.
I nod, feeling overjoyed that I'll be able to see my family.

So I have granted many a request for ya'll, Hiccup and Astrid will be reunited, but will the reunion be a time of love of a time of hatred?? Turn the page to find out ➡️

P.S : The text you read below is called an 'Imagine' (I made it up, do u like?).
It's meant to get you to pretend your in a situation that you can't get out of until you vote! :P
Please send me some of your own Imagine ideas! I would love to feature them below! ⬇️
Xoxo Butterflybunnie 💟

{ Snotlout pins himself onto you, letting a spit-string hand from his mouth.
"EW GET OFF!" You scream, attempting to push him off.
"Not until you vote and comment" he smiles deviously,
"Or I'm droppin this like a bomb all over your pretty lil face!" }

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