Chapter 20 - Water

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I awake in the middle of the night, flustering. I feel over to Hiccup, he's still here. There's a heavy feeling in my uterus, not a peeing feeling but something else. I throw off my covers and head to the toilet, I can't pee. I hurry downstairs for a glass of water, and on the last step, my pants become wet. Water flushes out of my pjs and onto the floor with a splatter. Holy Shit! My water has broken. "Hiccup!" I scream, no answer. "Hiccup!" Again.

I hear him rushing down the stairs and he stops when he sees me and the water. "It's two weeks early!" He yells.

"We have to go!" I yell back.

He takes my hand and drags me out the door, along with my maternity bag. We enter the car and speed down the street. "Hiccup slow down!" I say, gripping my seatbelt.

He grunts in apology and slows the car. We round the corner and carry along the highway until we get to the hospital turnoff. We rush to emergency and I'm taken to a room where I change an am monitored by hospital staff.

--Hiccups POV--

I wait outside the hallway, I'm not allowed to see Astrid until the birth. I pace back and forth and hear screaming. I know that scream it's Astrid. I burst through the doors and run to Astrids room. The doctor at the door stops me. "Sir you cannot enter" he says.

"That's my Fiancé!" I yell trying to manoeuvre past him.

"Shes in pain at he moment Sir, we are dossing her up on morphine to stop it" he says calmly.

"Why is she in pain?" I ask.

"The baby is wedged between her pelvis, it's stuck. An emergency c-section may be needed"

I gasp "Astrid will want whatever to get that baby out...just do it!" I say firmly.

--half an hour later--

Astrid hasn't stopped screaming. They've now given her way to much morphine, overdosed and she has a fever. I sit outside her door, head in my hands. The door opens and a nurse comes out. "She can see you now" she says.

I dart up and into Astrids room, she looks terrible. Her skin is sticky and sweaty and she's screaming like crazy. I grip her hand and she turns her head to me. "Hiccup...I-I-it hurts..." She yells.

"Shhh, I know...I know" I say, stroking her forehead. "Your gonna get through this" I add.

--Astrids POV--

Fuck this hurts! Hiccups just entered and I'm grateful to have him by my side. I feel like shit, he baby's stuck and I have a burning fever because of these fucking doctors!

I scream again "AHHHHHHH-H-EH" I begin panting.
Hiccup darts up from his chair and places a hand on my cheek. "Astrid!, fucking do something!" He screams at the doctor.
"We're doing all we can..." Says the doctor calmly.
I yelp as I feel another sharp pain in my pelvis. I breathe sharply and fall unconscious.

-5 minutes later-
I awaken and instantly are brought back to reality by the sharp pain. "She's awake!" I hear someone yell. Hiccups not here anymore and I begin panicking. A nurse approaches and places her hand in mine "Astrid...honey, you need to push" she says "This baby needs to come out".
Hiccup rushes back in and holds my hand. "Come on Astrid, push!" He encourages.
I push with all my might and scream "AHHHHH!".
Fuck this is painful!!!! I feel the baby budge. "Heads out!" One of the nurses yells.
I pant in relief. I push again and I feel it move. I'm starting to go black.

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