Chapter 13 - Im Fine

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HICCUP! I scream. I run down the dark hallway, completely blinded by the darkness. I hear a distant scream and run towards it. I trip on what feels like stairs and land right on my stomach. The baby... Did I just kill it. I feel over my stomach. To my utter disbelief it starts deflating. I scream and then lights flick on in-front of me. Hiccup sits there, a dark figure behind him. Without hesitation the figure slides a sliver blade right across his throat and he drops to the floor, lifeless. I scream and clutch my deflating stomach. The baby's gone, Hiccups gone...I have nothing left of him anymore.

I wake with a start. I rub my eyes and sit up. It's just dawn outside. I feel over my bump. Just a nightmare, Ive actually been having them a lot lately, since Hiccups back. I throw my feet over the side of the bed and slip into my slippers. My back aches, must have slept on it wrong. I grab the cane beside my bed, I'll need it today. I hobble over to the medical bathroom and enter, locking the door behind me. I strip off and stare at my naked body in the mirror. There's a faint line from the middle of my chest to my belly-button. I turn to the side, stretch-marks. I guess I new I wouldn't get through without them, but it's hard to think about having saggy skin, and im only 19. I sigh, what am I doing with my life? I should be travelling, studying in collage like I planned, not pregnant. am I thinking this? This IS Hiccup Haddocks baby! I shake my head in shame and turn on the shower. As it warms I step under and let the cooling yet warm sensation trickle over my body. It's been 5 days since my shower, it feels so replenishing. I take the time to shampoo and condition my hair slowly, feeling the soap and cream seep down to my roots. I feel a faint knock in my stomach. I pause, my imagination. I continue and about 20 seconds later there's another...kick. The baby's kicking! I scream in surprise and a nurse rushes in half-a-second later. She looks at me alarmed. "The baby's kicking!" I squeal.

The nurse smiles/laughs in delight. "Early one huh?" She smiles.

"It's early? Is there something wrong?!" I start panicking.

"It's just a little early!" She laughs it off "though if you like, we can have a quick check-up?"

I nod quickly and turn the shower off. I grab my towel and begin drying as the nurse comes back with a pair of fresh clean hospital clothes. After I'm done she ushers me down the hall to the room labelled 'Ultrasound' and we enter. The nurse brings me a slip labelled 'Transvaginal Ultrasoud'. I sign it and look up "Uh what is it?" I say.

"A Transvaginal Ultrasound is like an ultrasound accept we insert a stick inside the uterus to see if there's any abnormality inside the uterus or womb. If things start happening early, this is the best way to check if things are going to be ok. You've only started feeling things about 2 weeks early. Your gestation period is about 9.01 months. Your belly is not 'abnormally' large for this time, but normally first-time mothers don't bloom for a bit later" she replies.

I start fidgeting worriedly.

"Also, normally women begin to feel their baby move around 13 weeks, your baby is kicking at 8 and a half weeks...Astrid I hate to say this, but THAT is abnormal" she sighs and begins preparing the probe.

I feel my eyes watering. I can't loose this baby! No way... Oh come on, please be ok. The nurse ushers me onto the hospital bed and strips off my pants and underwear. I lye half naked, uncomfortable and shy. The nurse clicks on the probe and gently inserts it inside my uterus...this is so weird. She moves it around for about 10 minutes, looking at readings that are coming up on a screen that's connected to the probe. I lye trying to take myself somewhere else, I wish Hiccup was here. Actually, no I don't, it'd be way to awkward... The nurse then pulls out the probe and lays it on a latex-towel. She hands me my clothes and I put them on gratefully. I sit up and she scans the readings on the screen. "Mmm" she mumbles. "What? Is it going to be ok?" I ask hopefully.

"These readings don't add up...their all jumbled like..." She shakes her head.

"What?!" I become more firm.

"Like the baby has a's just blocking out information" she pauses "but that's just dumb... We'll send the results in for further testing, this things probably broken" she says examining the probe. I thank her and begin walking down the hallway. Hiccups standing at my door with a worried expression. "Thanks Gods hun" he envelopes me in a hug. I don't know why, but this time I feel uncomfortable in his grasp. I slowly pull away an he smiles at me. "Your bags are in the car, I have a surprise for you tonight" he said triumphantly.

I try to sound as excited as possible, but inside I feel sick. What the hells is going on? I've always felt safe, fresh with Hiccup. But the past couple of days have been...weird. I follow him down the hall and down the elevator, exiting into the underground car-park. Hiccup wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my head. I feel sick and before I know it I projectile vomit, turning my head to miss Hiccup. "Astrid! Oh gods" he yanks a wipe from the maternity bag and wipes my mouth. I gag a little but then stand up straight. Hiccup looks at me concerned "You've been different everything ok? Maybe I should take you back in there..." He says.

I shake my head and begin walking to the car "I'm...fine" I say. But in my's killing me.

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