Strongarm's Smitten (Special chapter)

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Strongarm's POV

This is a huge day! Lieutenant Bumblebee had told us yesterday we would be getting special training from a very experienced bot! From what the lieutenant has told me this bot has been highly trained in combat, agility, and was even a member of Team Prime! I've read about every mission Team Prime has went on and about their time here on Earth. This is going to be such an honor to meet them, whichever member it may be. 

I gather my decepticon hunter, stasis cuffs, and grab an energon cube then head out of my makeshift-berthroom in the scrapyard; and head down to the control center. On the way there I think more about who it might be. 

'Maybe it will be THE Ultra Magnus! He was Optimus's second in command during the war! He was a great commander and was a great fighter! It must be him.'

I reach the command center and see the lieutenant talking to Fixit. I walk over to them with a smile. "Good Morning Sir! Fixit!" 

They turn facing me, "Morning Strongarm, you're up earlier than usual." 
"Yes Sir! I am up and ready to met our new trainer!" I'm sure Bee could here the excitement in my voice. 

"Well I'm glad you are. They should be arriving in a couple of hours from now. Possibly even sooner. Optimus told me he will contact me when they are on their way from Cybertron." 

 We conversed a bit more till it was my turn for patrol. During patrol I made sure to double check all of my safety regulations and protocols. Just in case they ask us any questions on it. I want to make sure I make a good first impression to the trainer.

I finished up my patrol and cruse back into base. I transform and see that the rest of the team, including our human friends, have woken up. Over the next half hour or so I conversed with Russel and did an extra check on my regulations. Finally the moment I have been waiting for arrived. Bee called us all to the front of the Space bridge as he had gotten the call from Optimus Prime. We all gathered in front. 'This is so huge! I can't wait to see who it's going to be!' Even though I was really eager, I maintained my posture for a good impression.

The Space bridge opened an a moment later Optimus had walked through, but I couldn't see who was behind him. The Space bridge closed and Optimus spoke. "Bee Team, I would like to introduce," Optimus stood to the side revealing the bot behind him. 


My optics widened 'NO FREAKING WAY!' 

"We're going to be training under Arcee!" I squeal in excitement. "She's really that good?" I hear Russel question. I turn to him still bouncing with excitement, "Good? She's A-mazing! She's so quick, she could be here, then she's over there, and over there-her feet never touch the ground! I've seen her in action! She has taken on so many cons, single handedly!" I explained to him all the amazing things Arcee has done that makes her so, Amazing!  

"Alright everyone," Bee spoke getting our attention. I immediately turned and stood up straight. 

"Arcee this is the Bee team," Bee gestured for us to introduce ourselves. 

"Cadet Strongarm, Reporting for duty." I saluted. "It's such honor to meet you! I've followed all of your missions!" I gushed; and-she smiled! She smiled at me! 

"I'm Sideswipe, the fastest and baddest bot around." Sideswipe gloated. Ugh, he gets on my nerves. Then the rest of the team introduced themselves. Once we finished, Bee spoke again "Alright, now that you all introduced yourselves, I will help Arcee get settled in. Tomorrow you all will start your training."

"Wait sir, you mean she will be staying?" 

"Yep, Arcee will be staying with us for 3 weeks or so." I could believe what I was hearing. This was the best day ever! Not only will Arcee be teaching us combat but she will be staying in our base for the time!

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