Q&A-Answers Part 1

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Hello my beautiful children! This is the first batch of questions you have asked, I brought the whole gang here to answer them for you! 

 All of you(Bots & humans)are allowed to answer in ONLY one or two sentences for each question. No 5 minute rants. 

Y'all ready?

Bee: Yeah, sounds good! 

Sides: Alright--Only if they're for me, which I'm sure they are. ;)

Strongarm: Sideswipe not everything is about you. 

Sunny: Tch, For once I agree with Sargent-stuck up.

Strongarm: Hey! First of all I'm a cadet! 

*Claps hands together* ALRIGHT! Let's get to the questions! *Forced smile*

First question is from @Marvel1Maiden 
They have asked-to both bots and girls-

"What would you do and feel if your decepticon nemesis had the hots for your girlfriend/you?"

Bee: I believe I made it clear to Steeljaw that he is to never go near my girl. If he does I'll immediately send him straight back to Cybertron in a stasis pod.

(B/g): First of all I'm a bee gal-not a wolf gal. Besides I wouldn't be surprised if he had a thing for me-who doesn't? ;)

Sides: My girl is MY girl alright; No one else can have her, especially a decepticreep. Tch, I wouldn't worry anyways because she wouldn't leave me, I top ALL the girls/guys she's ever had a crush on.                  Right?

(S/g): Gross.

Grim: Hots? As in likes my girlfriend? I would be very angry and punch them in the face! Wait...*leans over to me* Do they like my girlfriend? 

(G/g): Well *blushes* I guess it's nice that someone else finds me attractive. But I would never EVER except them; one cuz they're a con and two because I got Grim an' that's all I want. 

Optimus: If I were to find out my nemesis had an adoration to my lover, I would strongly advise them against those feelings. *Motioning to the Starsaber* 

(O/g): I'd say a hard pass to them thank you. It wouldn't even cross my mind to reciprocate those feelings towards them. 

Fixit: I would not disagree with anyone who had feelings to my girlfriend. She is very pretty and lovable. Of course if anyone ever tried to make any actions towards her I would have no hesitation eradicating them off the face of the planet. *innocent smile*

(F/g): Wha? M-me? I only like Fixit, I would never like him-a decepticon-back....*whispers* they're too scary anyways.

Drift: *In a meditating pose, eyes closed and calm toned* I already seek to rid of my enemy; if I find out they have taken interest in my love, I would offline them with no hesitation.

(D/g): Might I mention Fracture A. Kidnapped me, B. almost ran me over, and C. caused a building to almost topple over me! So N.O. The feelings are not mutual.  

Okay! Thank for that one! Denny hand me the next question please! 

This next question is from @user538646846156
They have asked to the bots-

"What is your favorite food when in your holoform?" 

Yes Grim, I see you're raising your hand you can start us off. 😂

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