The accidental meeting

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Warning: swearing, and use of abuse and thoughts of suicide. If those topics are triggers to you, don't read Sideswipe's scenario. It wont always have these topics in the scenarios but it will for this.

Key: (Y/n): your name (L/n): last name (f/h/b): favorite hot beverage (f/v): favorite vehicle (f/c): favorite color (f/m): favorite meal


I was sitting at the counter by the window at my favorite cafe drinking (f/h/b), sketching my next outfit design. My usual Saturday morning routine. I put my pencil down and look at my design. I smile to myself, proud of another beautiful outfit I can't wait to make. Then my phone rings. "Hello?" "(Y/n)! My sunshine! How are you this morning?" I giggle at his excitement. "Hi Papa! I'm doing fantastic. How are you?" "I'm doing just fine sunshine! I just got word from Denny that Russel is staying with him for the summer."  "Really! Awesome!" "I knew you would be exited to hear that!" "I'll head over there now! Thanks Papa!" "Anything to make you smile. Have a good day hun, love you lots!" "You too Papa! Love you too! Bye bye!" I end the call and have a huge smile on my face. It's been about 2 years since I last seen Rusty! I pack my stuff and hope into my (f/c) Lamborghini veneno that my father gave me for Christmas last year. Yeah I know, call me a daddy's girl. As much as it is a nice car, I didn't want it. I was actually saving up to buy a (f/v) (That's not a lambo). But I didn't want to make my Papa sad, nor waist his money. 

Anyways, I was driving out of the city heading towards the scrapyard. Once I was off the bridge that lead to Crown City, I turned up the radio and started driving at 85 mph, since no one else was around. I slowed to a stop once I reached the scrapyard. Hoping out of my car I locked it and quietly went into the scrapyard. Hoping to surprise Rusty. I went in between some of the junk that was around and looked for my target. I didn't see him so I walked out and did a 360 but still didn't see him. I started walking forward. Not paying attention to where I was going I slam into something hard. "Oof!" I yelp falling on my butt. I close my eyes and rub my head. "Oh! Sorry! I-" I slowly look up to see who was talking and see a giant robot looking down at me with this face, O_O. I till head to the side with a confused face. 'He's kinda cute.' I think to myself. "Hi! I'm (Y/n)!" I say waving at him. "You're not afraid of me?" "Nope. Why would I be? You look really cool! What's your name? Where are you from? Are there more of you?" "I'm Bumblebee..."


I'm in the middle of the woods sitting on the side of a mountain. Alone.

*Flashback to earlier today*

"You useless bitch! I told you to make me coffee!" He said slapping my face. "I take you in, give you a shelter, and this is the respect I get!" He said grabbing my hair and spitting in my face. "Go get me beer and food! And if you aren't back in 1 hour, you will get no food and a bigger punishment!" 

*Flashback over*

That was 3 hours ago. This was a usual routine. I wake up at 8 every morning to him throwing things at me and hitting me. Telling me all kinds of shit then throws me out the door with threats like killing me. Honestly dying seems better than living with that asshole. On top of that the bullying at school. Even though it's summer they still find a way to try and beat me up. Of course I don't go down without a fight. sometimes I'll win but I'm the one who always gets caught and blamed for. And when I don't win I'm left to try to heal myself. Honestly, I'm about ready to end it. I mean no one would care.

My thoughts are interrupted by some loud crashes and explosions more into the forest. I get off the rock and start to walk over to the noise. As I get closer into the woods A big thing of red comes flying through the air crashing into the tree next to me. I look over and see that its a giant freakin' robot?! It opens its eyes and notices me. "Who the hell are you?" "Who are you?!" "Who is that?!" I say looking to my side, seeing another robot coming at us. It kinda reminded me of a wolf. Suddenly I'm picked up off the ground. "HEY! Put me down!" Then the red robot transformed into a car and I'm in the passenger seat. "What the-?!" A seat belt is strapped over me. "A seat belt?" "You're gonna need it." He said. Then speeds off while still being chased by the other robot. 'Well, this day just got interesting.' 


It's a hot Sunday morning, I'm helping my Pops fix up a car."Hey (Y/n)!" "Whatcha need Pops?" I ask still changing some wires and parts in the hood. "I need you to get some new parts for the motor of this baby." "Yeah, sure where do you want me to go?" "There's a scrapyard just outside the city. I'll give you a list of things I need and some money. You can take the electric scooter to get there." "Alright, I should be back in an hour or so." "Take your time bud, just be back before dinner. Your mom's making (f/m)." He say's handing me the list and money. I fit my cap forward and smile. "Yum, can't wait. See ya in a bit Pops." I say driving out of the shop. 

I make it to the scrapyard and park my bike on the outside wall. "Hello? Anyone here?" I ask walking in. "Yeah! Up here!" I look up and see a man with brown hair, a beard, in a red, flower-printed shirt on top of one of the shelves. "Hi! I'm here for some parts to fix a motor." I yell up to him. "Sure, there should be the stuff you need on the shelves by the back wall." He yells and points to the direction I should go. "If you need anything just give a holler." "Alright, thanks!" I say making my way to the back. I read down the list and pick up a few items I need. I start to turn down an aisle but stopped when I almost ran into....... A DINOSAUR?!?! My mouth opens in shock and I drop the things in my hands. "WHAT THE FUDGE!?" "Uh...hi?" "YOU TALK?!" I yell. Then I turn to my right and see the same man from before and a boy running towards me. "Wait! Don't freak out! He won't hurt you!" The boy yells out. I look at the dino, then the man, then the boy, and back at the dino. I put my hands on my head. "What is happening?!"

Optimus Prime

It's late at night, I'm driving down heading back towards Crown City. I had just went to visit a friend from the military and am now heading back home. I still have about 30 minutes till I reach sight of the city though. And of course it HAD to start raining, hard. Everything was going smoothly until I my car started to slow down. "No, no, no!" I look at the dashboard. "Out of gas?!" Ugh! Just my luck. I lean back into my seat with a sigh. I look at my rear view mirror and see some light getting closer. 'Hey, maybe they can help me!" I get out of my car, into the pouring rain and start to flag down the vehicle waving my hands in the air hoping they see me. At first I thought they were going to drive right past me but they slow down next to me. "Miss, are you alright?" A voice says coming from the truck. "I'm fine, but my car is out of gas, I was wondering if you could drop me off at the nearest gas station or something?" "I can do that miss, but please don't be alarmed with what you are about to see." "Alright?" They open the passenger seat door and I climb in. Only to find that there was no driver. "How the-" "Please do not be afraid. And don't tell anyone about this." "I promise. Thank you Mr. Truck?" "My designation is Optimus Prime." He says with a deep chuckle rumbling through the truck. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." 

He pulls up to a place that looks very familiar to me. Then it clicked, Denny's scrapyard. I hop out of the truck an turn back to Optimus. "Thank you Optimus Prime." "You're welcome Mrs. (Y/n)" I smile then make a dash for Denny's trailer. I pound on the door. It opens and Denny looks at me with a shock. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Come in before you catch a cold." He steps to the side and lets me in. "It's...a long story Denny. But basically my car ran out of gas and a man gave me a lift to here. Oh, hey Russel." 


It's early in the morning and I'm going on my daily jog in the woods. I start to hear a faint sound of an engine coming from behind me. But that faint sound gets louder. I turn around and can faintly see a gray, car; speeding towards me. I yelp and start running faster. I make it out of the woods but trip and roll down a hill that leads to the road. Luckily there were no cars coming. Well, except the one that is chasing me. 'What did I do?' I think to myself. I run down the road and see a wall up ahead. There was a gate that was open so I ran inside. Just as I ran in the gate door slammed shut blocking the car from entering. I stopped running and sighed. I sit down on the ground to catch my breath. I tilt my head down and stare at the ground trying to processes what just happened. As I'm looking down a shadow covers my body. I look up and yelp. "Ahh!" "Ahh!" "T-talking l-little r-robot!" Then I faint. "Scrap."

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