Drift joins the book!

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Yay! I finally got to Drift! 
This is for all my ninja bot, ex-bounty hunter lovers!
Is he an ex-bounty hunter? I think he is? Or was? Idk!

Alright Drift you ready for your adventures with love?!

Drift: This is unnecessary to be doing. 

Haha! You're unnecessary! It's all unnecessary! Which makes it TOTALLY necessary!

Drift: ..............


Drift: ..........


Let's just catch you up..... I make no sense...

Drift: That I agree with.

Que the keys!

Warnings: Swearing

Key: (h/c): hair color

Note: 3rd person POV for most of these changing from (Y/n)/she to you/your on scenarios. Drift might be out of character for some of these.

Info About YOU/(Y/n)

(Y/n) is 19, she lives in a very small apartment with her mother and works at the Crown City library. She knows martial arts and loves to bake. Her mother is 72 and has breathing problems, so (Y/n) takes care of her. (mother birthed you at 54). Her father had passed away when she was 10 (He was 67). (Y/n) works hard to achieve her goals, is very kind, considerate, and calm. Until you piss her off; then you better run to your mama and pray she don't find you. 

The accidental meeting

(Y/n) had just finished working at the library for the day so she is walking down the sidewalk to her apartment. The way to her apartment takes her by a construction site for a new office building. 

She stopped walking when she hear loud clashes of metal coming from said site. Now, normally you would think it's just the workers. But it was Sunday; the one day the workers had off. 

Because of that, she was suspicious why there was any noises. She wasn't going to trespass into the property, but of course curiosity got the best of her. She went into the site and cautiously looked for the source of the noises. 

As she got further into the site the sounds became louder. Peering around a stack of beams her eyes became at the sight she saw.
There was two GIANT robots fighting in the middle of the construction site. 

One of the robots was purple with a very thin face of which that had red eyes. It had two blades coming out from its wrist areas. Along its shoulders, feet, head, elbows, knees, and fingers were a bunch of spiky looking things and claws or sharp edges.   

That one did NOT look very friendly

The other robot sported an orange, red, and gray colors, and blue eyes. His appearance looked close to what a samurai would wear. It was more rounded compared to the other robot. It also had two giant katanas with the same colors as its...armor? 

It looked more friendly than the other but still could scare the hell out of people.

As the robots continued to fight (Y/n) wanted to get a better look at the two. She snuck around finding a closer spot to them and hid in between a bunch of concrete bags. The orange robot pushed the purple into the beams that were supporting the lower part of the building causing the whole thing to shake. Some of the concrete broke and beams along with concrete was falling down to her. 
Looking up (Y/n) gasped, she tried to move out of the way but her foot got stuck in between the bags. Looking back up again the beams were about to hit her. She closed her eyes and ducked her head waiting to be crushed.

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