😢What he does when you're upset😢

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You are a very bright and cheerful person. It takes a lot from someone to make you upset. But even then you maintain your positive personal and keep a smile. People always see you happy, like nothing ever bothers you. So you feel that if you show you are sad, people might loose hope in something or stop being happy as well.
From the moment you walk through the door Bumblebee knows something is troubling you. He's the only one that can see right through your forced smile. It's like a 6th sense he gained when he started dating you and it's ONLY for you.
-The first thing he'll do it pull you in close.
-He knows physical affection helps calm you down more than verbal.
-Besides, all the talking is done by you ranting about what happened.
-It doesn't matter if it only takes a few minutes or hours. 
-Bee will sit there and listen.
-Once you've finished he'll carry you to your favorite chair (If you aren't there already.)
-Then he'll wrap you up in fluffy blankets and crowd you with your stuffed animals.
-He'll make you your favorite drink and snack.
-Then he'll cuddle with you while the two of you watch tv.

If it was younger Bee, after you've gone back to being you, he would most likely find the person and give them a reminder of what he'll do to them if they make you upset again. But he knows now that isn't the best thing to do. Well, that's depending on how upset you are.


Let's make this clear, you being upset and pissed off are COMPLETELY different things. If you're pissed off you'll become verbally violent, furious, and you'll kill anyone who stands in a mile radius of you. The person who pissed you off is basically signing a death wish.
Now you being upset, that's a whole different situation. If you're upset you become quiet, more depressive, and isolate yourself away from others. 
After a while of figuring out the difference between you being pissed and upset Sideswipe actually took the time to find out a method to make you feel better.
-He'll first have to find you. (Which isn't hard for him since you told him all the places you go)
-He'll sit down and very patiently wait for you to tell him what's wrong.
-Remember this is Sideswipe, the most IMPATIENT bot in all of Cybertron.
-When you finally decide to tell him he won't make a sound.
-He let's you finish then he talks.
-He will say something to make you laugh or smile a little.
-But then he'll get serious and tell you why that person is just an asshole and how pointless the things they did or said are. 
-You begin to feel better and get closer to him.
-He'll wrap his arms around you protectively and kiss your lips then your head.
-After all is said and done the two of you go racing to take your mind off it.

But when the day is done make no mistake, Sideswipe will find the person who upset you and he will make sure they never even think about going near you ever again. You can obviously tell he's pissed off.


You know Grim doesn't like you being upset. Really no one likes it when you're upset. You're such a sweetheart! Why would someone want to make you upset? (It's a rhetorical question.) 
When you get upset you don't immediately go to Grim. The first person you always go to for anything personal is your mother. While you and your dad have so much in common your mother is the one who understands her baby the most. Because you now have Grim she will tell you to go to him because you need to trust him with these problems for your relationship.
So when you go to Grim it does take him by surprise when you're upset but this is what he does:
-He hugs you.
-He holds you in whatever form he's in
-and just tells you how strong you are.
-He tells you how strong you are in every way.
-After he'll take you to your punching bag
-And you just take your negative feelings out on that.
-He smiles when you finally do.
-He always says punching helps keep him relaxed.
-So it should work with you.

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