You Again!

505 13 15

Warning(s): Swearing, slight crack energy content

Key: (G/g)-Grim's girlfriend;

Note(s): Sorry it's been a while since the last update, this chapter timeskips about a month or so after the "Prom" chapter. So the (Y/n)s' that are in school (Sides, Grim, & Fixit) are almost done with highschool!


You managed to convince Bee to take a break from his leader duties and take the day off together. It was a nicer day out so you and Bee went on a little picnic first and then took a walk through the woods. During the walk you both heard some rustling through the trees. At first you thought it was just an animal, but as the sound got closer it also sounded much larger; larger than even a bear. You both stop in your tracks when from the left Steeljaw appeared in front of you. 

The con too seemed shocked to see the two of you here. Bee immediately got defensive and stepped in front of you. (Bee's in his normal bot mode) Steeljaw just raised his servos up calmly. "Relax lieutenant, I'm not looking to pick a fight." 

"Ugh, it's him." Your voice chimes from behind Bee's pedes.

*Sigh* "Her." Steeljaw retorts in a mutter. 

Your eyes narrow at his tone because you ain't taking that shit.

"EXCUSE ME!? What is that supposed to mean?!" You storm between Bee's legs; the bot taken back by that. You're too enraged by the con's choice of words to even hear Bee call out for you to get back behind him as you march right up to the con.

Steeljaw bends his upper body down so his face is closer to yours while you stick your face up, glaring at the wolf-like con. 

"What I mean is your overly chatty and highly annoying voice is still ringing my audio receptors since our last encounter so with you being here means I have to listen to it all over again only louder." 

"Listen here puppy boy, I ain't tolerating your attitude. I was just minding my own business that day when YOU'RE the one who kidnapped me and YOU'RE the one who keeps causing problems around here. So I don't want to hear you whine and complain about how *air quotes* annoying I am *Air quotes*when YOU'RE the one who brought this onto yourself. So if you don't like how my voice is then just shut your damn audio receptors off!"

Steeljaw blinks his optics in surprise at your outburst; just shocked at your almost perfect accuracy on the situation (But he'll never admit it). 

"Well little pup, color me impressed. Whether it's stupidity or bravery that you have to face a con you have my respects." (Respect points +5)

"Nah, I'm just not afraid of dogs."

He chuckles, "Well then, I suppose I should be taking my leave now before I waste any more time on this matter. Until we meet again little pup~" He takes a small bow then walks away from view. 

Bee just stands there contemplating his existence. 'What in the AllSpark just happened?'


Sideswipe was on mission that of course, he didn't wanna go on. Not like he really had a say in the matter thanks to you. This gave you time to go to the underground racing again; something you haven't been able to do in a while. Upon arriving you spot Vicky next to her car.

"Hey kid, long time no see." 

"Hey." You greet her once you get out of your car.

"So how ya been?" 

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