Want some toast for that Jelly?

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Warnings: Swearing; angry girls

Key: (S/n/n)-stupid nickname (f/f)-favorite flavor

Note(s): Sideswipe's is longer, whoops.


You know how I said you sometimes like getting Bumblebee jealous because you think it's cute? 

Yeah well karma's a bitch.

You just got done with a great morning; the weather was spot on. Easy and fun hours work, afterwards visiting your father (Which might I add was a wonderful visit); so to end the fabulous day you went up to visit your amazing, loyal, and hot boyfriend. 

Yeah we know that shit's about to happen.

You arrived at the scrapyard and parked close to where the Alchemor was. Getting out of your car you saw Russel and greeted him.

"Hey Rusty! Is Bee here?"

"Hey (N/n), yeah I think he's with Strongarm by the energon supply."

"Thanks Rusty!" You smiled making your way to the energon supply.

Things were all going great.....

then you heard a crash.

Quickening your step to see what that was you begin to have to maneuver your way through energon cubes that were all over the ground. 'That's odd, don't they usually have this all piled?' Shrugging your shoulders you keep walking until your eye's landed on bright yellow metal. Getting more excited you rush over to see him.

"Hey Be-" You stopped at the sight in front of you.
Bumblebee on TOP of Strongarm. His arms on either side of her head. Faces INCHES apart, and shades of bright blue dusted their faces. 

Your face looked similar to this....

"BUMBLEBEE! WHAT THE HELL!" You screamed so loud I'm pretty sure all of Cybertron could hear

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"BUMBLEBEE! WHAT THE HELL!" You screamed so loud I'm pretty sure all of Cybertron could hear. The two bots snapped their heads so fast towards you, I thought they would snap off. (And I'm the one who's writing this.)

"(Y/n)! This is NOT what you think!" He quickly replied scrambling off Strongarm, who also quickly got up. 

"NOT WHAT I THINK?! YOU KNOW BUMBLEBEE I WAS HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY. The sun was shining, I had a cute outfit planed, my hair was easy to do, and my coffee was on point. Then I got a simple day of work and saw my father, who by the way asked about you, which I OF COURSE told him how great you are as a person and boyfriend. Then I'm thinking, hey wow everything is going so great I can't wait to see my amazing and LOYAL boyfriend. Then I come here and SEE YOU ON TOP STRONGARM! LIKE WHAT THE FRICK! Yeah I definently wasn't expecting that one! AND ANOTHER THIN-"

"(Y/n) I tripped! I was training her and she caught me off guard which caused me to fall and she wasn't able to get out of the way fast enough!" Bee interrupted your non-stopping rant. 

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