Flirty or Funny?

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Warnings: Swearing and cringe.....LOTS OF CRINGE!

Key: Chassis- chest, Digit(s)- finger(s) (F/s): Favorite song

Note(s): How he flirts

Bumblebee 💛

Bee is more of a affectionate flirt. He likes to kiss, cuddle and tickle you. Sometimes he'll "turn things up" by pinching your butt or slowly rubbing your sides. He feels he is able to express more of his love physically so he doesn't get embarrassed or flustered. He tends to flirt if it's just you and him around. Sometime's he'll do something quick in public. But that doesn't stop you from going all out with flirting~

You were enjoying a nice refreshing glass of lemonade at the Scrapyard since it was hot out. Bee came up from behind you; wrapping his arms around your shoulders. Smiling, you leaned back into his chest. He began to place kisses on the back of your head, to your temple, cheek, and all the way down your neck to your shoulder. You moved your hand to play with his hair as he kept pressing light kisses to your shoulder and lower neck.

Until he looked up to you and passionately kissed your lips. When you parted he continued to pepper your face with kisses. Giggling, you moved your body to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands moved to your waist and pulled you closer to him. 

He finally ended his little attack of love and looked at you with a small smile. You smirked;

"And I thought is was hot out here, you just took it to a whole other level baby~" 😘


You already know he's a MAJOR flirt. VERBAL especially. You would think he's big on physical flirting, he does like to do physical flirting , but he knows you get uncomfortable with most physical contact. So he respects you and mostly sticks with the verbal stuff. He especially loves it when you get mad or flustered about it. IT'S SO CUTE! He will continuously flirt whenever he feels like it, public or private. He ain't that innocent~

"You look damn good in those jeans sweetspark." He said eyeing your ass. 

"I wonder how good you look without them." He purred out. 

You were at the scrapyard and decided to paint a still life in the place. You were minding your own business and your glitch-headed boyfriend decided to come up and flat out flirt. Now you were used to his flirting and mostly ignored it, all though you did appreciate the attention he was giving you AND actually really liked it (You would never dare say that out loud)

Sideswipe got an idea and quietly suck up to you. You weren't really paying attention to the fact he had suddenly got quiet and instantly regretted it when you yelped felling a pinch on your ass. Dropping your paintbrush you spun around and glared at him. He just looked at you like he was innocent. 

"Are you done?"

He smirked and kissed your cheek, "Sure, when we get done doing something else~"

"Nope, I'm done." I say walking away in defeat.


Grim attempts to flirt. He doesn't exactly know how to flirt but he does the best he can. The "Flirting" he does mainly consists of hugs. BIG hugs. Especially in public, he will randomly grab you and just wrap his arms around you. Holoform, bot form, and dino. You'll have to get comfortable because you ain't moving for a while~

You just finished repairing Denny's truck and are resting on an old bench. Grim saw you and walked over. He bent down and scooped you up in his hand. (He's in his bot form) Already knowing who the culprit is, you smiled as he carefully placed a kiss onto your forehead. He then proceeded to walk to some crates and sat down. Grim pulled you close to his chassis while closing his fingers around you, gently, almost like a blanket for you. You responded by wrapping your arms around one of his digits. 

You two just sat there,

For a long time~

Optimus Prime💙

Optimus isn't big on flirting. He does not like the idea of "Playing with your emotions" for someone else's own amusement. He does however compliment you daily. Whether it is about something small or big, he likes to see you smile because of something he did. If or when Optimus does flirt, he will only do it privately seeing he has to keep his stoic, leader portrayal around the others.And when he does flirt it will tend to be only a more f̶l̶i̶r̶t̶y̶ compliment~

Optimus was at your apartment with you since there wasn't any missions for him and no work for you. You were in the kitchen making some mac & cheese. You had music playing so your hips were swaying to (F/s). Optimus was at the counter watching you dance. 

He got up and walked behind you. You weren't really paying attention and jumped a bit when you felt his arms go around your waist. Looking up and over your shoulder towards him; you gave him a loving smile. He bend his head down and pecked your lips. You hummed in pleasure and rested your forehead against his. He closed his eyes, as you did the same.

Murmuring he whispered, "You look beautiful moving your hips like that my princess~"


He's a shy flirt. He doesn't really attempt to do any flirting mainly because he doesn't know how to do it or what to say. Fixit has done research on it (He's done research on basically everything about dating, human females, and you.) but is just really shy to do it. The same goes for you. You know how to flirt but you don't know when the right time would be. You fear you will end up making the situation awkward and ruin things between you two. Of course Fixit would never let that happen~

"Fixit you know you have an amazing way working with tools. I wonder how well you can work on me." *(Confidence Increase +10)*

"Umm W-what?" 

"I-uh-I I mean....that-t's not....n-never m-mind!" *(Confidence decrease -100! Abort mission!)*

"Wait!....I mean, I can show you if you really want to~"

*(Blushing intensifies +1000000)*


Drift doesn't like to flirt. He does not want to seem childish in front of anyone and/or be mocked by someone *cough Sideswipe cough*. However, there are times when he is in a better mood; he'll do some type of flirting. I think it's called playful flirting. He will tap your shoulder, and when you turn around he acts like nothing happened. Or sometimes when you walk by him he will mumble something about you and says it just loud enough where you hear bits of the sentence~

"Stop it!"

"Stop what?" 

"Stop tapping my shoulder and looking away!"

"My blossom, I am not doing anything. I think you might be tired; how much sleep did you get last night?"

"I slept fine! I am NOT GOING CRAZY!!"

Drift: *mentally smirks~*

Hey yo! I hope you enjoyed the cringy-ness of this!
 I am really sorry this took so long to post. But I know I've said it before though, I have a lot of things going on in my life; a lot of mental/personal stuff especially.So that's the main reason of my very slow updating. I will definitely keep updating my books but they will take a while. 
Thank you all for your support! I appreciate every single one of you! Love you all! Stay beautiful my children! <3<3


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