😘How affectionate he is to you/you to him😘

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Him- Fairly affectionate. He loves you very much so his affection for you will be high. Wether it's getting you gifts, holding you close, or just telling you how much he loves you. The only reason he's not crazy affectionate is since he's becoming a leader he is trying to break his past super childish self. (Which we all still love btw Bee, never change!)

You- Over the top, exceptionally affectionate. Gurl you love getting him things, telling him over and over how much you love him, and definitely kisses and hugs. You love showing affection! You're very talkative too. Maybe that's one reason why Bee loves you so much; you remind him of his past self! 


Him- It's Sideswipe. You all should know he's affectionate. He always wraps his arms around you and give kisses to your neck or cheek when ever he could. And when he was in his bipedal form he would put you on his shoulder or simply hold you in his hand. Bro likes to be touchy. You thought it was sweet that he shows his affection to you. You'd never dare to say THAT out loud.

You- You're not affectionate. You kinda felt bad for it but hey it's really not ENTIRELY your fault. It's not like you don't want to be, you're just afraid of any reaction from or too him that might be bad. I mean, this IS your first relationship after all. You didn't want to ruin it. Sideswipe's cool with it. Your "stone cold personality" he finds rather...attracting. (No. it's not a turn on...not yet at least 😉) There are those times however you end up mumbling about loving him that he ends up hearing. 


Him- He's a big soft boi! Loves cuddles and kisses! (As I've mentioned countless times before) He'll never do something if you aren't comfortable with it. And of course he's very careful with you; you may be tough but he's still a giant robotic dinosaur so he always makes sure he isn't crushing you too tightly in his hugs. 

You- People always assume your gonna be a big mean tough sort of gal, just because your a bit larger and muscular than most girls. Really you love sweet cuddles! This is one reason why you and Grim get along so well. Tough looking on the outside, soft little kitty on the inside. Just don't tell Grim your like a kitty.

Optimus Prime

Him- Affection is something kept between the two of you. It's usually not something he does but with you it's an exception; that mainly goes for physical affection. He's perfectly fine telling you how beautiful you look or how much you mean to him. Just those random yet sweet complements for his darling. Sometimes he'll say something a little deeper meaning that will make him stutter after.

You- Like Bee you're fairly affectionate. You give him pecks on the cheek or lips and hugs a lot of times. Something quick to boost up his energy for that day. You are older and more mature which is why you aren't crazy affectionate and you know Optimus isn't all that affectionate either. (Even though you want to be)


Him- Another soft boi; he's a little shy-er than Grim but he is sweet. He had to do quick research on the best form of affection he could give. (Like everything else he does ;P)

You- So so shy! It's adorable really how easily flustered you get with him. The best way for you to show affection is by those surprise kisses you give him before running home or hiding. Other than that it's all stuttering and blushies gushies!


Him- Affection depends on his mood. If he's feeling calm and relaxed you'll get more affection out of him. If he's tense, stressed, or annoyed he'll probably be more to avoid you just to be cautious that he doesn't take his anger on you. (Don't worry he just wants to keep you safe and happy)

You- Affection from you mostly comes out when he's in a bad mood tbh. Even though he wants you to stay away for a little while you know it's actually better for you to be with him. To show him how much he means to you and that he's not alone on this. That he has someone he can talk to. You end up meditating together or massaging his shoulders to help ease his tension.

This affection preference mainly consists of your general type of affection. Not totally how you are all the time. 

I'll explain this more next. Capeesh? <3


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